Page 5 - Oundle LIfe July 2022
P. 5

The magazine for Oundle and its villages
 Repair cafés to walnut bread
There really is a huge amount happening in the Oundle area this month...
Anyone up for a challenge this summer? Then take a stroll to the library and start reading. During the school summer holidays it can be very tricky to keep the children occupied – but not if they get into a good book! (Page 16).
If it’s fitness they crave, then get down to the Oundle Town Football Club, where any age can enjoy learning the sport. Does all that sound too exhausting? Then buy yourself a beer and relax on the patio to watch instead (page 18).
Our area is blessed with so many talented creative people, some who sing and play instruments (page 28) and others who excel
in mending (page 6) or making and designing beautiful pieces of art (page 8).
This month’s recipe for walnut, cranberry and raisin bread looks truly scrumptious, but not being a fan of cheese, we’re going to eat ours straight from the oven with lots and lots of salted butter (page 30).
Remember, we are your community magazine, so please contact us if you would like to write something for the August issue.
      Luxury woodland treehouse and cabin accommodation in a rewilded ex-WW2 airfield only 5 miles from Oundle. Immerse yourself in nature,
stay in comfort, bathe outdoors.
Birch View Cabin
  For more info and to book visit
Two Pines Treehouse
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