Page 22 - Scottish Woman Issue 77 2021
P. 22

 In front of the camera for Selling Sunset
show and during our Zoom chat. She laughs a lot. Any vicious rumours about the cast upset her personally – such as the frankly nasty online speculation that because Quinn had returned to her pre-pregnancy shape so quickly, she had faked carrying the baby.
“I mean, it’s crazy. She obviously had the baby. I saw her when she was pregnant and right after. She has an amazing body – she’s been working out her whole life and she’s young. So she’s one of these lucky women that recovered her body super-fast. Rumours like that really bother me, because I know it hurt her to hear that.”
There’s no doubt Quinn
is entertaining and pretty spellbinding to watch, with
her technicoloured glamour, razor-sharp wit and zero fear of confrontation. Is she really just a bit of a pussycat underneath it all?
“She’s actually super-sweet with a heart of gold, but she comes across like someone way more aggressive. Everyone in life wants to feel loved, and she just wants her friends back. I think people can see more of Christine’s heart in season four than any other season.
“No one is reactive or has an attitude for no reason. You never know what they’ve gone through in their past or what they’re going through right now. It makes me happy that Christine was open to
coming with me to see my mindset coach on the show, and that she’s still working with her now.”
Several of the cast have brought their collective fiancés and husbands in front of the cameras, or at least mentioned them. Villela has stayed relatively schtum up until now – but is she planning on following suit for season five?
“I’ve never really spoken about my love life before,
but I’m madly in
love, so I am open
to sharing more of
my life on screen. I
don’t want to give
everything away
around my personal
life because I know
how it all works
when you put so
much out there, and
I do want to protect
my relationship. But
my boyfriend [artist
and photographer
Tom Fraud] is the
love of my life, so I’m not going to hide that either.”
There was much excitement during the series when Villela sold her first house, on the Pacific Coast Highway in her specialist area of beach city (and celebrity-filled) Malibu. It was a moment she had dreamed about, selling the lavish property for over the asking price and earning a cool commission
exceeding $46,000.
“I’ve just set my manifestation
goal for 2022, and it’s to list a house in Malibu above $20 million. And I want to sell Lady Gaga’s house, because I absolutely love her. I don’t even know if she wants to sell it – but I know she has a house in Malibu. Lady Gaga if you’re reading this, please – I want to be your listing agent.”
Manifesting is something Villela truly believes in. She was sitting
on her sofa one evening, watching Selling Sunset, and while chatting to her best friend on the phone, said: “I just felt like I was on the show.” Two days later the producers contacted her,
as she had
apparently caught the attention of Jason and Brett
“It was kind of magical. I felt
like it was my sister saying, ‘You’re doing what you’re supposed to do.’ I feel that everything good that’s happened since she passed away, has been her guiding me. It’s been such an incredible journey and I’m so ready to take it to the next level.”
   “Lady Gaga if you’re reading this – I want to be your listing agent”

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