Page 7 - Simply Vegetables Autumn 2023
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                                 The summer trustee meeting was held on the 11th of July via Zoom. Our Chair, Sandra Hall thanked everyone for attending the meeting. Fiona Shenfield provided an update to the trustees
that all applications for NVS awards 2023 were approved by the awards review board. Congratulations to all award recipients on your well-deserved achievement.
Norman Dickinson issued a membership report in advance of the meeting and reported that our membership is generally holding strong for 2023. The trustees voted to provide financial support of £500 and
to cover the cost of a branded banner and tablecloth for the Irish DA to support activities in Ireland. It was also agreed to review current stock and condition of marketing materials within the society.
Geoff Wilson provided the trustees with an update on the preparations for the 2023 National championships which will be held at Newby Hall. DT Brown kindly provided free Falco Turnip seed in the Winter edition
(2022/23) of the SV Magazine for 2023’s Chair’s Challenge. We are looking forward to seeing a large entry in this class and
in addition to hearing how our kitchen growers got on with them. It was agreed that we would prepare a mini survey
and issue to all exhibitors at the various NVS shows to gain feedback on potential reduction of class quantities. We would be grateful if you could spare
implement an Expenses Policy which was prepared by Geoff Wilson and Michele Nixon. Sandra Hall also advised the NVS Judges & Exhibitors Guide is now available for purchase again via the website for £10.00 + P&P. We have put the price up slightly, due to the increase in printing costs.
Last winter’s zoom recordings are now available to view on the website. The zoom
News from the Trustees
  a couple of minutes to complete and submit your feedback to Fiona Shenfield by October 6th.
It was agreed that we would prepare a mini survey
talks will return again from November after the clocks change so, please keep an eye on social media and on the website for further information and details
on how you can register you intertest in attending. As a reminder, All Society events are advertised on the
Chris Spree provided
an update to trustees on
the continuing positive
engagement with our
sponsors and Jean Forrester
issued a finance report in advance of the meeting which was well received. Kelvin Mason provided an update on the Simply vegetables magazine. It was noted there were delays reported in receipt of the summer magazine. The Trustees voted to
website so it’s easy to see what events are upcoming in your area.
The national AGM is scheduled for September 15th at Newby Hall and the next meeting for the Trustees will be scheduled for October 10th.
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