Page 28 - Thrapston Life February 2022
P. 28
St. James’ Church
St. Nicholas’ Church, Islip
Holy Trinity Church, Denford Rector: Reverend Nolan Robson
e: t: 01832 734614
It was wonderful to welcome so many people into the churchyard on Christmas Eve for
an outdoor, lantern lit, carol service. Huge thanks to Thrapston Town Band for providing our music, to Alan Swaysland (sound), Rich Moore (lighting) and Jack Hobbs (Thrapston Primary School) for stage blocks. Despite the drizzle it was a joyful occasion and so special to be together. We hope to have other outdoor services throughout the year but why not join us on a Sunday morning in the meantime. You will be assured of a warm welcome!
Services in February 2022
(Current Government regulations require masks to be worn at all services 5.1.22)
Sunday 6th February
9.30am Family Service in Thrapston 11.15am Morning Service in Denford 11.15am Communion Service in Islip
Sunday 13th February
9.30am Morning Service in Thrapston 11.15am Communion Service in Denford 11.15am Morning Service in Islip
Sunday 20th February
10.30am Benefice Service in Thrapston
Sunday 27th February
9.30 am Morning Praise in Thrapston 11.15am Communion Service in Denford 11.15am Morning Service in Islip
If you can’t make Sunday why not pop in on a Tuesday morning?
Tuesday Communion Services at 9.45am in the chancel of St James Church. All are welcome as we explore a little bit of God’s word and remember Christ’s sacrificial death that offers us eternal life.
Tuesday Together and Saturday Coffee mornings are proving very popular so why not
join us in St James between 10am and 12noon on Tuesdays or Saturdays, where there is always a good biscuit and chat to be enjoyed.
Praise and Play is a group for pre-school children and their parents or carers. It’s a time to chat, play, make friends, sing songs and hear a Bible story. We meet in church every Monday morning during term time from 9.00 am - 10.30am so why not drop in, make new friends and join in the fun.
Knitting for beginners on Monday evenings from 6.30 - 8.00pm. Come along and learn how to knit or crochet. It’s free, it’s a lot of fun and those teaching have seemingly endless patience. No need to book or even bring your own knitting at the beginning.
JAMES Club is a thriving group for Primary age children that meets during the 9.30am service on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundays of the month. Email for more information or come along and try it out.
Our Youth group for 11+ meets during the service on Sunday mornings too. More details from
For further information or to enquire about baptisms, weddings and funerals please e-mail, call Nolan Robson
on 01832 732614, check the website, www. tdichurches. and our Facebook page.