Page 7 - Thrapston Life May 2023
P. 7

                                    fitted new trusses and transformed it from
a bungalow into a two-storey house. As well
as building a rear extension and cladding the exterior in over 130 sqm of Siberian larch – that was a real labour of love!
Any funny moments? Hearing a loud explosion on site and feeling panicked... only to realise the wheelbarrow wheel had popped!
Describe your business in five words?
Traditional values meets modern approach. What makes Optimo Build Co different? You
get the construction experience of Ed teamed with the customer liaison experience of Bron. We pride ourselves on our open and consistent communication, and most importantly, we do what we say we will. We’ll hold your hand every step of the way, and we’re always at the end of the phone.
Proudest moment? Receiving testimonials like this: “Thanks Ed, Bron and the team for our amazing new house... the results are fantastic and we really do feel as if we’re back living in a
new build, except it’s even better than it was the first time around 23 years ago.” Just knowing we’ve helped to transform someone’s space and day-to-day life is a great feeling.
Dinner out or at home? It used to be dinner out, but since having our son, it’s dinners in (we get more takeaways than we’d like to admit!).
...and a favourite tipple to go with it? Ed’s is cider, and a red wine for Bron.
You have a day off, what do you do? If we were treated to a day off we’d hang out with our son and do something outdoorsy.
Dog, cat or iguana – who’s at home? Neither, we’ll never be able to decide. Ed’s a dog person and Bron is team cat.
Jaffa cake or Hobnob? Jaffa cakes all the way.
Something people don’t know about you?
We have a monstera deliciosa plant at home that’s over 6 feet tall.

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