Page 27 - 1998-99 AMA Winter
P. 27
Thank you for your interest. The Mountain Leader Training Board has been providing training for leaders and instructors since 1964. Its awards are recognised by the D epartm ent for Education and Employment, the Adventure Activity Licensing Authority (AALA) and many other civilian organisations and centres. The Services have always maintained strong links with the MLTB and the two organisations have recently harmonised military' and civilian awards.
Single Pitch Award
It is possible to attend a Rock Leader Training course as an MLTB candidate and gain your SPA training course. You may then progress onto the Joint Service Rock Leader Assessment course and complete your SPA assessment. You must first register with us and take your SPA logbook to the relevant military course.
Mountain Leader Award (summer)
The Unit Expedition Leader Award has been renamed Mountain Leader Training and the Joint Service Mountain Expedition Leader Award has been renamed Mountain Leader Assessment. You must first register with us and take your ML logbook to the relevant course.
You have already completed a military award and were not MLTB registered. ..
M ountain Leader Award (summer): If you did not register with us but hold a UEL or JSMEL award, then you could be eligible for exemption from training for the ML scheme, provided you have suitable personal experience.
Single Pitch Award: If you did not register with us but hold JSRCI or Rock Leader Award this would be considered as part of an application for exemption from training for the SPA scheme.
Applying for Exemption: If you wish to apply for exemption you should complete the registration application form (available in your requested information pack), ticking the relevant box to receive details about exemption. Your logbook and an exemption form will be sent to you.
For course and registration details please contact the MLTB and request our free information pack, or visit our website.
Capel Curig, Gwynedd LL24 OET Tel: 01690 720 314
Fax: 01690 720 248
Email: info(
W ebsite: http://www.mltb.ore
M ountain Leader Training Board ¡/\ | II1111
Why might someone holding a military qualification in either hillwalking or single pitch rock climbing need civilian qualifications? The answer to that question is very much down to the needs of the individual. However, most enquiries at the MLTB office regarding this issue are from military personnel who are about to leave the services and who wish to use the awards to seek employment or to work with groups in a voluntary capacity.
Civilian awards cover much of the same ground as military ones in terms of technical content but the Mountainwalking Leader (Summer) and Single Pitch awards look in far more depth at issues surrounding group management. These issues range from working with groups of differing ages and abilities to those with special needs.
If you are undertaking the military awards now you have the opportunity to complete both schemes at the same time. If you have held a military award in the past then you will need to undertake an additional assessment for each award. Very experienced candidates entering the schemes may gain exemption from either the training course and/or consolidation period. These may include candidates with a comparable military award.
The minimum entry age to both schemes is 18, by which time candidates should have at least one year’s experience of either activity, together with having completed 20 days in the mountains for the MLA and have led 15 rock climbs for the SPA.
The first step for candidates is to register with the MLTB in order to obtain a log book and appropriate prospectus, syllabus and guidance notes. The Board approves 120 centres in England and Wales to run the MLA and 240 individual providers of the SPA scheme.
The Mountainwalking Leader (Summer) Award involves a training course which can be completed in a 6-day block or over a number of weekends. There is a mandatory consolidation period of one year between training and assessment. The assessment course can be completed in a 6-day block or in 2 three-day blocks within a set three-month period. All areas of the syllabus are covered during training and assessment in a predominantly practical way. Courses include a two-day expedition during training and a three-day expedition during assessment.
The Single Pitch Award involves a 20-hour training course, followed by a recommended minimum of a six-month consolidation period and a 20-hour assessment course. Training and assessment are usually delivered over two long days, but again there is flexibility in approach, allowing providers to tailor courses to the needs of candidates.
The Mountainwalking Leader (Summer) and Single Pitch Awards are recognised by the Adventure Activities Licensing Authority (AALA) for under-18 year olds participating in these activities whilst under instruction. This may be a consideration if you are considering a career in the outdoors.
For further details of the schemes, please refer to the advert on this page.
Enjoy the mountains!
Army Mountaineer