Page 19 - Oundle Life February 2022
P. 19

                                        What’s your favourite part of the job? I love installing the exhibitions, but my favourite part is always the launch event. It’s a big celebration and a great start to the festival. Artists are always really excited, especially those
new artists that have never had the
experience before and are seeing their
work amongst their peers for the first
time. It’s a time for sponsors to meet
artists and to see a preview of the work
before anyone else. The atmosphere is
hard to beat and for me, it’s a time when
I can relax a little and let the artists lead
the show and let the artwork to do the
...and the worst? Being tempted by all the lovely pieces of work and knowing you can’t buy it all because you have no room in your house!
Any famous people visited? Not yet, but never say never...
Your favourite piece on sale at the moment?
There are two artists whose work really makes
Nina Cashmore
    Carry Akroyd has been drawing in the local woodlands using soft and oil pastels
me smile and I love visiting their studio in Luddington each year. I’m not sure
if I visit to see their work or their two beautiful Flat Coat retrievers!
Carry Akroyd has been drawing in the local woodlands using soft and oil pastels. She has been making these studies in preparation for designing a jacket for a book about woodland, as part of the British Wildlife Collection, published by Bloomsbury. Both were
drawn in Short Wood near Oundle.
Gordon Monk designs and makes chairs from
wood. I love the natural and organic feel of his

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