Page 6 - Thrapston Life March 2022
P. 6
donates bleed packs to town
The Farmers Market have donated three potentially life-saving Bleed Packs to the Thrapston community. Located in key spots around the town, the Public Access Bleed Control Kits are there for emergency use by anyone who needs them, anytime.
The locations of the new Bleed Control Packs and Defibrilators are featured on a guide on the inside black cover of this magazine. Why not keep the page somewhere handy?
What is a Bleed Control Pack?
A publicly accessible kit which contains the same emergency dressing kits used by Paramedics to control life-threatening external bleeding. It has been made so it can easily be used and applied by untrained members of the public.
In the case of a work accident, a traffic or pedestrian collision, violent crime – any situation where excessive external bleeding needs to be reduced straight away, until medical help arrives at the scene, the Bleed Kit could be life-saving.
Bleed Control Packs were introduced by The Daniel Baird Foundation, set up by the family
of a young man who was fatally stabbed in 2017 on a night out. If such a pack had been available at the scene, it is very likely he would have survived the catastrophic blood loss he endured.
Each pack contains a variety of dressings, gauzes, gloves and other essentials designed to
help with a range of different severe bleeding types and locations. Crucially, it contains very
clear instructions for complete beginners to follow when using the kit.
We hope no-one ever has to use the packs, but also want them to be there for anyone
in need. The Bleed Control Packs have been registered with the local Ambulance Service and Police. The Daniel Baird Foundation is gradually rolling the kits out to as many public locations, night time venues and key locations as possible. We are proud that Thrapston now has four of them in total, three donated by the market!
Thrapston Farmers Market is pleased to
have been able to donate the packs at a total cost of £1600; we use all proceeds from the monthly market for good causes which support our community. Thanks must also go to the Thrapston Town Council Maintenance Team for installing the kits.
Keep using our market, and we’ll keep donating the money we make to such worthy projects!