Page 34 - Oundle Life November 2022
P. 34

                                   Get Cooking...
Getting in your five a day has never been easier, or more delicious, with this rustic soup. A steaming thermos on a crisp country walk will keep everyone toasty. Serves 6
1 large leek
2 carrots, diced
1 onion chopped
2 sticks celery, diced
1 potato diced
1 courgette, diced
450g tomatoes, diced or a can of chopped
2 litres water or veg stock
Piece of parmesan cheese rind (omit for Vegan) Salt and pepper
1x 410g borlotti beans, drained
50g spinach leaves, sliced
75g tiny pasta shapes
1. Take a 9 litre stockpot and add the leek, carrots, celery, potato, courgette, tomatoes, water or stock and a piece of Parmesan rind (if using), then season.
2. Bring to the boil on the boiling plate and then simmer for about 45 minutes on the simmering plate. Add the drained borlotti beans, spinach leaves and pasta to the stockpot, stir and simmer for another 6-8 minutes.
3. Remove the Parmesan rind and serve in bowls accompanied by crusty bread.
Recipe from: Alexandra Dibble

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