Page 2 - Out Birding August 2022
P. 2

4-13 Event Reports 14-15 Events at a Glance
16 Annual Calendar
Committee Membership
17 GGT13
Emoji Quiz
18 View from the Chair
19 Dorothy’s Diary
20 WYSIWYG Photography
21 Fun Photo Caption
22 Regional Contacts
24 Committee Members
Cover image: Red Kite: John
Back cover: All named and credited
I was delighted to receive a tsunami of event reports for this edition covering 10 pages, which may be a record. They take us all over the country, from Scotland to north west England; from the south east to Yorkshire; the midlands to the South Downs. Many thanks to everyone who sent in reports and helped to make this edition of OB such a good read.
There are many more events still to come during the rest of the year, pp 14 –15, but Sue and Eva are already planning for 2023. Their appeal for events and photos for the annual calendar is on p 16. One event that will feature is GGT13.
Mike’s View from the Chair p18 provides a tempting introduction to the birding we might enjoy at RSPB Frampton Marshes near Gibraltar Point NNR which is our main base only 4 miles from the hotel where we will be staying. Details p 17.
Mike also takes us through some of the work that your committee has undertaken recently and you will see that we have not been slacking! However, there is still plenty to do and opportunities for you to become involved, even if you do not want to join the committee. Pride, digital platform- it’s all to do.
On that note, you will see on p 22 that we still need Regional Contacts for Central England and Kent. If you can help with either of these please contact Jim Clark who will explain the role.
You will immediately see one outcome of our discussions with this digital OB. It has been programmed to view as a two page spread and it turns the pages. Please let me know what you think.
The AGM will take place on Saturday 25 September over Zoom. Attendance has been very pleasing since we were forced into a virtual meeting - a rare benefit of the pandemic. I hope you will there. See p 16 for joining instructions.
Finally - John’s stunning photo on the front cover was taken using WYSIWYG. What?! Read all about it on p 20.
Copy date for the next edition is 1st October 2022.
  Views expressed in OB are the views of the contributors and are not necessarily shared by the editor, committee or members of the GBC.
I have been receiving material for inclusion in OB through the GBC email address. To minimise the risk of delay, or of things going astray, please send items direct to me at: Thanks.

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