Page 23 - Oundle Life A5 March 2023
P. 23

Oundle’s green space
  Fletton Field was bought from John Smiths Brewery by the Oundle Guardians of the Poor in 1899, and was originally used as allotments for the workhouse. Northamptonshire County Council (NCC) acquired title to the land under the Local Government Act of 1929 and the field was used by town residents and Oundle Primary School as a sports field until the school was relocated in 2016.
The Fletton Field Association (FFA) was formed to reactivate the campaign to save the
as ‘Public Open Space’ and ownership should transfer to Oundle Town Council with a deed
of covenant protecting the field as green space into the future. All we are waiting for is the legal process to take place and OTC to be confirmed
   field from any development when
North Northamptonshire Council (NNC) was formed in April of 2021.
We produced a Business Plan and
Vision for NNC so they could see how the field would be used and become a permanent community asset, open to all.
We now have an approved business plan
as future owner.
Last year to celebrate Queen
Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee we kicked off our community endeavours by organised a party with local bands, video screened the Jubilee concert from
   We now have an approved business plan promoted by our vision video (see www. and have been appointed in principle as the managing group by Oundle Town Council (OTC). The Executive Committee at North Northants Council (NNC) has also agreed that Fletton Field should remain
Buckingham Palace and on-site food and drink vendors served over 1000 people. We organised a licenced raffle with generously donated gifts and raised over £2000 towards funding our development of the field. Then in October our ‘Spooky Fun on the Field’ event attracted 200 to 300 parents and children, some fabulous carved pumpkins, costumes, and fun games.

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