Page 32 - Oundle Life A5 March 2023
P. 32

‘friendship’ in Swahili
     Much has happened since we were
featured in this publication in January
2021 as a newly formed charity. During Covid, our partners (RHYCO) in Kenya highlighted an urgent need to expand
their existing programmes which had
been supporting former street children to access an education through a drop-in centre and homework club in a local community centre since 2014.
We are delighted to report that they have recently successfully completed the purchase of exclusive use premises (Bella Ciao - meaning ‘beautiful welcome’) in the Kawangware slums of Nairobi which continue to offer educational, nutritional, medical and counselling support
for a growing number of former street children (110 at the time of writing) whilst also providing a ‘respite safe house’ for up to 20 of the most vulnerable of these children. Bella Ciao is also home to a small drop in centre (Joyful Hearts Centre) for 12 children with cerebral palsy offering educational and physiotherapy services.
How you can help
• In order to facilitate the purchase of Bella Ciao before the lease expired, we were generously offered an interest free £50k loan repayable over the next five years. Any one off
donations to assist with the repayment of this
would be much appreciated.
• For a regular monthly donation of £25 you
can sponsor a child through a programme
• One off or regular monthly donations will
assist us with the running costs of the centre
• We are keen to support any fundraising
initiatives/ideas you might have
“I heard about Marafiki Trust through friends in Oundle, and after learning more about the charity I decided I’d like to become a sponsor.
I now support two children, Peter (9) and his sister Angela (3). I was lucky enough to visit Bella Ciao in October last year and experience first-hand what a special and important place it is.” Becky Smith (Volunteer and child sponsor)
Tel: 07810 788458 (Liz Turnbull) or 07740 980479 (Nicola Guise)
Charity Number: 1187949

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