Page 28 - Oundle Life August 2023
P. 28

Benefield Village Hall
   Like a lot of village halls, Benefield’s was originally the school. Built in 1820, it continued as a school until the 1950 when it fell out of use. In the 1960s it was bequeathed to the village for use as the village hall. It was used for a variety of activities for the benefit of the villagers: socials, dances, mother and toddler groups, film nights, wakes and weddings – up to the present day. But it became used less and less as the facilities became outdated.
In autumn 2020 a renovation plan was
put together. The previous kitchen facilities were woefully inadequate and made running events in the hall challenging, to say the least. In addition to the kitchen work, part of the flooring and panelling had to be replaced as it had become rotten due to wet rot. Sanding and resealing the whole floor would put the finishing touches to the completed project.
The project was made possible thanks to a grant from the Augean Community Fund. Thanks go to the all the contractors who
worked so hard to complete the project and achieve such a great result.
We now have a modern, efficient, hygienic
kitchen with a range cooker, water heater, dishwasher, fridge and microwave. The hall itself has been redecorated and is light and airy.
The Hall is back in use now and recently had a Village Lunch organised by the Church, a walking Treasure Hunt with tea and cake in aid of Hall Funds in July, and in September we will have a talk on The Pan’s People Years. Former Choreologist and PA to the Choreographer Flick Colby and Top of the Pops Dance Team Pan’s People, Tessa Watts-Russell reminisces with amusing, interesting tales.
Other events are planned for the Autumn, and we will be starting a weekly Yoga class then.
Event bookings
The hall is available for hire, please email us.

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