Page 38 - RADC 2020
P. 38
Ex Northern
– 3 Medical
LCpl M Cacho RADC
Over 22-29 November 2019, Capt Cheesbrough and I deployed to Catterick Training Area on Ex Northern Atropian Serpent. We deployed as an element within the 5 Armoured Medical Regiment Medical Reception Station (MRS), which was supporting a 3 Medical Regiment exercise.
Before deploying, we received our pre- deployment admin checks, safety briefs, and gained a good understanding of what our roles would be during the Exercise (Ex). Capt Cheesbrough and I conducted our kit checks and loaded our land rover and trailer before deployment.
The Dental Team was part of the MRS troop and were readily available to provide support throughout the Ex – both for treating dental issues and aiding with medical casualties. Our main role was to provide dental support but not limited to this. We acted in different roles, from triaging mass casualty patients, treating lightly injured soldiers, and assisting major injuries. This was a great opportunity to put the new PDU (Portable Dental Unit) and the autoclave to the test, opening our minds to kit failures, challenges, and ways to overcome hurdles.
The MRS relocated a number of times, mainly during the darkest hours of the night with constant rain. We were working with only red light while dismantling and packing up kit and tentage, then setting it all back
up again, keeping in mind to make the least noise possible. Timings for setting up and dismantling got easier and faster the more we relocated.
As soon as we relocated, a dental casualty scenario
appeared that needed
to be seen quickly.
Although the dental
tent was just a 12x12,
going through the
vehicles in the dark
to find exactly where
it was placed was a
challenge. Then we
had to set it up quickly
and quietly. “Stand to”
was a term we quickly
got used to as we
were under indirect
fire from time to time.
One of the days, we
came across protesters attempting a riot by throwing smoke grenades towards the sentry points.
A scenario I enjoyed the most was when RHQ deployed the dental team to an Outreach health clinic; we travelled with
minimum dental equipment but with the capability to provide any treatment. We were greeted by 1 Military Working Dogs when our vehicles were inspected one by one before entering the secured area. We quickly
set up our kit and had one dental scenario which turned out successful. The next step was to pack up and carry our kit down the hill to where the vehicles were parked. Halfway down the
hill one of the locals pulled a trigger and we took cover. The working dogs were startled and managed to bite one of the locals resulting in two casualties that needed
to be treated. The wounds were fatal so we had to act quickly and bring them back to the MRS for further treatment.
The exercise was a huge success, but we were all ready to head back to civilisation.
This was a great opportunity to put the new PDU (Portable Dental Unit) and the autoclave to the test...