Page 58 - RADC 2020
P. 58
Late Entry Commissioning
Capt A Drapier, RADC
I joined the Army on 14th Feb (Valentine’s Day) 1995 and commenced my basic training at what was ATR Lichfield. After this, and prior to completing Dental Nurse training, all AMS capbadges had to complete a 6 week CMT Class 3 course at Keogh Bks. Although already qualified as a Dental Nurse before joining up, I still had to complete the 14 week DN training course at Evelyn Woods Rd, Aldershot.
During my soldier life in the RADC, I was posted to various Dental Centres in the south including Folkestone, Dover, Maidstone, and Chatham, all within a Practice Supervisor / Manager Role.
On promotion to Cpl, I was selected to be an Instructor at the Dental School back at Evelyn Woods Rd, where I taught tri-service personnel dental nursing.
From here I promoted to Sgt and went
on to further my training experience as the course manager for the JNCO and SNCO promotion courses. I also got involved with the sS side of things including Exercises and lessons for common core CMTs. Subsequent promotion to SSgt and a
posting to Colchester DC saw a broadening of my management skills as this was a large and complex facility within a garrison environment that required liaison and interaction at all levels. On completion of this posting, I then undertook my one and only overseas tour. Initially at Princess Royal Barracks in Gutersloh and then 6 months later promotion to WO2 and a move to JHQ at Monchengladbach, Rhinedhalen.
A very short 3 1⁄2 years passed and
a posting as Regional Manager to Horseguards, London was next. Here was completely different from anything I had experienced before... not only was the daily running of various Dental Centres within the AOR part of my remit but I also was heavily immersed in the ceremonial aspects of old London Town, getting involved with Queens Birthday Parades, Cenotaph and visits of dignitaries to the capital.
A promotion to WO1 and the highly prized selection to CRSM ensured that I was the proudest WO1 in the British Army, my Corp role gave me the opportunity to be the voice of the soldier whilst ensuring that traditions
WO1(CRSM) Drapier in the grounds of Buckingham Palace attending the Garden party
Capt Drapier on completion of LE Commissioning Course and Dinner Night at RMAS with syndicate members