Page 33 - The Farming Years proof
P. 33
CHAPTER 9 Introduction To Barley
In 1978 we decided to plant spring barley in the top eld at Lod- dington on the ‘try and see’ principal that we had used to-date with our farming. Growing hay had been rewarding but there was an excess of physical effort involved and we weren’t getting younger. To start with, we needed equipment to prepare the soil and then the equipment to plant the seed spread fertilizer and spray plus the eventual combine harvester to harvest.
I bought this equipment in batches as it was needed. You have to appreciate arable farming machinery was on a much smaller scale in 1978 with second-hand equipment being readily available and not at all expensive.
For phase one, the ground preparation, I bought a plough and disc harrows at a farm sale at Rushton. Then a ribbed roller from a local farmer and a combine drill for seed and fertilizer from Chris Bletsoe for, I think, £15. Yes, it had seen better days but it worked throughout my farming life without a single part needing replacement.