Page 17 - Out Birding Summer 2024
P. 17

Quarterly Committee Meeting
We held our quarterly meeting by Zoom on 8th April, with a 'full house' - luckily all nine committee members were able to attend: usually we manage 7-8! We covered the standard items (apologies were there none; agreeing the minutes of the last meeting and any minor issues from the December meeting to follow up) and then turned to more 'birdy' topics. For reference, names of committee members can be found on the inner back cover of OB.
Pat updated Committee on the upcoming GGT14 in Scotland. ( See below)
Richard (H & S Officer) updated us on the application of our new Risk Assessment process for events, and told us that 75% of event organisers have completed their RAs - a great early result. Two issues arose specifically - there is a need for event organisers to nominate a deputy, in case of problems on the day; and extra emphasis that members should not just 'turn up'. Our new procedures require all attendees to have contacted the organiser pre-event.
Liz gave us her half-yearly financial review of GBC finances, which are very healthy, as ever. Unusually so, as we have received some £26,000 in advance booking fees but have only paid out £5,000 as deposit to the hotel: this will balance out later, of course! Our Conservation Fund now stands at £478. Separately Jim has sought to rationalise payments to our speakers at monthly Zoom meetings; thus in addition to agreeing payments to the BTO and the Roy Dennis Wildlife Fund (for recent speak- ers), Committee agreed that henceforth such payments would typically be £50 and would come from the Conservation Fund - this would give us helpful coverage and publicity from the receiving bodies.
Our meeting took around two hours, so this is only a summary: if any members wish to see the 'full' minutes, do please let me know and I will email them to you.
Greg Hope - Secretary
Grand Get Together 14
25-28 April 2025 Grantown on Spey
We are very pleased to report that places in the Grant Arms Hotel for
our 30th anniversary weekend were snapped up as quickly as a haggis on Burns Night! We have 69 participants, filling the hotel and making this GGT one of the best attended in the club’s history. This will be our first Grand Get Together in Scotland and promises to be a delight.
The hotel has restricted the number of non-residents who can join us. Liz will be sending an email to all members advising what to do if you are considering this option.

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