Page 8 - Out Birding Summer 2024
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Black-tailed Godwit, Teal and a Pintail. Not waiting long in the hide as it was warmer outside we returned along the footpath. We had a good view of a Marsh Harrier flying by carrying a bullrush and then enjoyed a lovely view of a Cetti’s Warbler singing in a nearby tree. A walk up the bank to Burton Point and scan of the Dee estuary far below revealed many flocks of waders in the distance.
Returning towards the visitor centre we had a clear view of a female Kestrel by the railway track. In all 50 plus species were totted up as we sampled the cakes sitting outside the new cafe in the winter sunshine. A quick look by the farm and Bunker Hide added a few more to our list including Goldcrest. Thank you to Paul, Tom, Dan and Moira and Lorna for joining me.
Heybridge Basin 11/02/2024
Five of us met up on a mild but grey morning: the weather forecast was promising predicting sunshine later. We welcomed Jane to her first GBC event although she and her partner Sian have been members for several years.
We started off by taking the estuary footpath towards Maldon. Meandering along we saw Bar-tailed Godwit, Teal, Redshank and Dunlin along the shoreline. We looked to the left where there were small lakes and scrubland, we saw Shelduck, Cormorant, Tufted Ducks and Oystercatchers. We observed flights of Lapwing and Black-tailed Godwit overheard.
We walked until the footpath turned away from the estuary then turned back. Coming back we observed a large flock of Brent Geese flying in also three Goosanders that a fellow birdwatcher pointed out. On returning we said goodbye to Jane and headed towards the Tiptree Café for lunch. Afterwards we decided to walk along the seawall in the opposite direction. By now the sun was shining and it had become quite warm.
We saw Wigeon and Teal and heard lots of Starlings and House Sparrows in the brambles nearby. We met the Basin Bobbers a ladies wild water swimming group who were enjoying the sunshine after their swim.
Arriving back we said our farewells. Thank you to Lyndsay, Jane, Gavin and John for sharing a lovely day, it was great to meet you Jane, look forward to seeing you and Sian at future events.
Chris Whitby
RSPB Saltholme 17/02/2024
On a comfortably warm, dry February morning I was pleased to welcome two new members, on their first GBC event, to join 7 Northern GBCers at RSPB Saltholme. I ascertained from staff, before registering, that the paths we needed were suitable for the group.
We started our sightings list by watching the feeders from the visitor centre and saw 2 Stock Doves, Greenfinch and Dunnock. Circumnavigating the lake, we called into the

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