Page 29 - QDG 2023
P. 29

                                 1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards 27
     I can’t believe I’m the only one that didn’t learn the words The ROG Commanding Officer
thinking and command and control from the team got UK troops into hard cover with minutes to spare. It was then impres- sive to watch the US machine swing into action to support and rebuild our accom- modation just in time for the arrival of the exercising troops.
April and May continued
at pace for HQ, still split
between either side of the
was in the execute phase
and the ROG back in the UK
were focused on supporting
A Sqn start their Pre-De-
ployment training in the
form of Ex CABRIT EAGLE. Additionally, HQ were
supporting Op GOLDEN
ORB, the Coronation of King
Charles III. This entailed
the logistic support to the
QDG marching contingent
and supplying some of the
troops to the parade. As you can imagine the QMs and the Regimental Tailor were working overtime and the camp resembled a Guards Depot rather than a Cavalry one as the marching contingent were put through numerous inspections and drill practices. By the end of May all but a few HQ Sqn individuals were back from the US and after a spell of leave it was great to have the Sqn back in one place for a few months.
some changes in the Sqn personalities. We welcomed newly Commissioned Capt Chris Eade from the HCR as the Unit Welfare Officer, congratulated WO2 Ross Hopkins on his successful commis- sioning to Capt and the appointment
‘formally’ as MTO (a role he had been doing for six months already). Sadly, we said goodbye to Capt Trev Homer who had decided to take a career change. The Sqn wish him, Claire and the family all the very best in the future. A truly great innings over 25 years, including RSM and Commissioning.
Cpl Umerah AGC. The gymnasium was lined with stalls from The Gambia, Nepal, Nigeria, Fiji, England and, of course, Wales. Multiple servings of jollof rice (the jury is out on which country makes it best) gave way to performances – Cpl Thapa demonstrating Gurkha martial arts followed by a Fijian Male Voice Choir to close the event. In the background Command Troop and the LAD were preparing for a deployment of BGHQ on Ex SCORPION CYCLONE and A Squadron on Ex SABER JUNCTION.
September onwards was spent enabling sabre squadrons to deploy on Op CABRIT in Poland, Ex SCORPION CYCLONE on Salisbury Plain and Ex DIAMONDBACK in California – three big deployments in three very different envi- ronments.
Following B Sqn’s successful return
from Ex DIAMONDBACK (with all radios, batteries and assorted miscel- laneous G6 equipment accounted for by the indomitable Sgt Maj Trudgill) HQ Squadron were able to sit back and relax until Christmas... IF they hadn’t been conducting defence engagement with the Savoila Regiment in Italy, the Guards Hussars in Denmark and hosting our friends at Supacat. No matter where in the world the QDG are, elements of Headquarters Squadron will be found. Here’s to another year of rest
and relaxation (and CABRIT and
at the eleventh hour they would be hit by one of three
tornados that
would plague The month of July saw the
the Ex.
equipment return from the US requiring the collection, rehabilitation and redistri- bution to Loan Pool and Field Army Units. This would continue into September
such was the vast amount of equipment. The Sqn also said farewell to Mr Mike Beal, HQ SSM, who moved on posting to the Royal Yeomanry as the Training Warrant Officer. The Sqn thank him for his steadfast guidance over last two years and wish him all the very best in the future. The new SSM, Mr Smith, was not due to arrive until Sep so the SQMS, SSgt Hazelwood, stood in to do a sterling job.
During June, HQ Sqn’s support to A Sqn ontinued with range packages and deployment training, there were also
August started with a wonderful look CABRIT and CABRIT and...)
at where our soldiers come from with a ST cultural awareness day, hosted by
 New tyres for the Regi 2IC’s Car.

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