Page 45 - QDG 2023
P. 45
1st The Queen’s Dragoon Guards 43
unleashing hitherto unseen competi- tiveness from many. Capt B Maltman continued his tradition of never making it to the end of a night when his girlfriend Tess was viciously run over by a tricycle (the culprit has never revealed themself). The buffet dinner was excellent, and Cpl Gurung outdid himself as ever. The band also raised the roof – not quite as much as Captain and Adjutant E Cooper reciting his AI-generated anthem about Cavalry Officers ‘crushing beers together, toasting history, with a nod to Waterloo.’ We truly are living in a brave new world... The night continued with nnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.
The Officers’ Mess managed to sneak in Easy Jet Roulette this year for the first time in a while, ending up in Turin after excellent planning by Lt F Maddison. A raucous affair which started with Capt F Holland and Lt H Swailes missing the flight after an airport Guinness, and then turning up unannounced at midnight that
13 Dragoons, 4 attached arms, and some Lancers in a pear tree
night after the rest of us thought they’d sacked off the weekend. Turin locals were left wondering why the Norwich City Reserve Team did not turn up for their much-announced friendly with Turin FC on the Monday, despite much chat about having ‘a little scrimmage.’
Bishop of Norwich who kindly blessed the Bible that the Padre has gifted the mess (The Rev Capt R Fulloway looking on and grumbling about stolen sandwiches or something). No jokes were made about the Bishop of Norwich passing the port –
The Autumn saw Maj
T Graham SCOTS DG (a
very junior regiment) arrive
as OC C and PMC, and
quickly attempt to stamp
his Jacobitism onto the
mess (Senior Subaltern
note - fear not dear reader, it
shan’t happen). With A Sqn
deployed to Poland, B to
California, and C to Salisbury
Plain, social events took a
back burner in the Autumn
until the Partners’ dinner
night in November, which
saw a very healthy attendance, and the novel addition of a RAF Volunteer Band playing during dinner for perhaps the first and last time.
The traditional silly season saw F Sqn visit the Mess, at the same time as the
maybe he snoozed through that part? The Commanding Officer invited the local great and good along for the Mess Cocktail Party, at which we are famed for not actually serving cocktails. A great event which judging by the thank you notes went down extremely well.
It’s been a busy year in the Officers’ Mess with social events taking place seem- ingly weekly, making the most of when Squadrons happen to be in camp together. Long
may it continue! A massive thank you must go to the mess staff – Jo the cleaner, Coralie, Hannah, Debbie, Ann-Marie, and all others overseen by the Mess Manager Jade, all as steadfast as ever.
No jokes were made about the Bishop
of Norwich passing the port
Red card. The collar used to close once upon a time
Matt.. We said no manspreading