Page 161 - The Rifles Bugle Autumn 2019
P. 161
The Light Infantry Club
2017 Club Dinner – Thursday 12 October 2017
(This rather late description is included here because the closing dates for production of the 2018 issue of The Bugle precluded its inclusion in that publication).
The Dinner was once again held at Cavalry and Guards Club on 12 October 2017 immediately following the Annual Club AGM. The Dinner Chairman, Brigadier Edward Chamberlain, presided and a recent record of 117 were in attendance with strong support being received from both the younger members of the Regiment as well as the LE community. The occasion saw the opportunity to say farewell to Col Bill Pointing upon his retirement from regular service. 2018 will see the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the formation of the Light Infantry and numbers expressing an interest in attending already exceed the 2017 record numbers.
The 117 attending the 2017 Dinner were Maj MB Adams, Maj MR Allman Capt JF Amy, Maj AJC Anderson, Col RG Arundell , Capt GI Avery, Lt Col JE Bates, Capt MJ Bellamy, Brig TDV Bevan, Col TM Bewick OBE, Maj MJ Bond, Capt AJ Boot, Maj ME Briggs, Capt DR Carroll, Maj BE Casson MBE, Capt CP Casson-Crook, Brig EJR Chamberlain, Lt Col GP Chambers, Capt PAR Chapman, Maj AJ Child, Maj RAJ Chisholm, Maj JV Collins, Capt JA Corner, Maj JS Cousen, Lt Col JR Cummings, Capt PJM Davies, Col EP Davies CBE, Col JAD de Labilliere DSO* MBE, Capt JR Durrant. Maj BJ Dyer, Lt SR Ekin, Lt Col J Faux Capt RCT Firbank, Maj DJ Flanagan, Capt I I Foster, Lt Col PJ Fox MBE, Capt CRW Groves, Capt A Hamilton-Briscoe, Capt MC Hancock, Maj JC Hardy, Lt Col TA Harper MBE, Capt JW Harris, Lt Col TJ Harris MBE, Maj H Harrison, Capt JF Hayward, Capt SC Hazlitt, Col
RA Head MC, Maj MC Helsby, Capt TH Hext, Capt WRJ Hogg, Maj AC Homan, 2Lt P Hucknall, Maj RS Humphries, Capt TN Illingworth CGC, Lt Col TNR Jackson, Capt MT Jeffers, Capt GR Keeling, Capt P Kharikohou, Maj TJ Knowles- Jackson, Maj C Lawton MBE, Capt DGS Livingston, Maj M Lynch, Capt JC Malins-Smith, Capt JJC Mann, Capt OR Marsh, Maj NS May, Capt IA McGregor, Lt R Miller, Capt GD Morgan, Capt MD Mortimer, Maj ASL Nash, Maj SJW Noble, Capt TJ O’Brien, Capt I O’Bryan, Capt MJ O’Hanlon, Maj CM Olive, Capt J Orchard, Maj HV Ottewell, Capt P Padfield, Capt DC Parsons, Capt D Pearson, Capt AJ Peeke, Capt J Pepper, Capt GM Phillips, Col WJ Pointing, Maj BT Read, Maj AP Samsonoff, Lt Col M Shercliff, Capt S Simpson, Lt Col RP Smith OBE, Brig RR Smith CBE, Lt Col DTL Southall, Maj WJ Spiers, Capt LP Sulyok, Maj AAH Taylerson, Maj CCJW Taylor, LtJ A Thompson, Col ME Thornton OBE, Col N Thornton, Lt Col S Town, Capt WTF Tricks MVO, Capt P Trythall, Maj KMF Tuhey QVRM TD VR, Capt JWS Turner, Capt JMF Wakeham, Maj CD Walker, Lt Col AH Ward, Capt TKW Welch, Capt A White, Capt IM Whittingham, Capt RE Windsor, Lt Col Wood MBE MC, Lt Col AA Wood MBE, Capt RJ Woollard, Maj RK Yuill.
The next dinner celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Formation of the Light Infantry is being held at The Cavalry and Guards Club on Thursday 11 October 2018 with the 2019 dinner due to be held there on Thursday 10 October 2019.
2018 Club Summer Lunch - Sunday 15 July 2018
The lunch was once again held in the splendid grounds of the “Wardrobe” the Rifles (Berkshire and Wiltshire) Museum in Cathedral Close, Salisbury on a very sunny Sunday on 15th July 2018. 74 members with wives and guests attended with a number of new faces as well as the old stalwarts. Numbers were a little lower than previous years due to many having attended the 50th Anniversary of the formation of the Light Infantry Reunion Shrewsbury in mid-June.
The Chairman of the LI Club, Brig Mark Elcomb, thanked Lt Col Chris Topham for his hard work as the Lunch Chairman. He also confirmed that despite changes and increase in costs the intention was to continue with the Wardrobe as the venue for the lunch as long as viable from both the catering and financial viewpoints. Volun- teers to head up the lunch, normally a one year commitment, the current Lunch Committee Chairman having led since 2016, are still required and anyone interested in offering their services should make themselves known by either contacting the current Lunch Chairman or by emailing
and (daughter) Louise Bedford, Ron Berry and (daughter) Jane Howarth, Tim and Penny Bevan, Robin Brims, Stephen Caney, Kit and Julia Chambers, Richard and Avril Cousens, Mark and Nikki Elcomb, Ian and Di Foster, Alastair and Dee Fyfe, Robin and Deborah Garrett, Nick and Nikki Gaskell, Adrian and Vikki Gilbert, Celia Grover, John and Lucy Hemsley, John and Ann Kendall, Mark and Floss Keville, Barry and Shirley Lane, Mike and Gillian Latter, David and Jane Lawrence, Richard Le Fleming, Tim and Rosie Lerwill, Jill Makepeace-Warne, John Marsham, Corinna Mathson, Fenella Monk, Richard and Jemma Montagu, Christopher and Ruth Ogden, Roger and Polly Preston, Stephen and Vivienne Quant, Maryse Robertson, Ian and Erica Sharp, John and Trish Spiers, Chris Topham, Richard and Lynette Vaughan, Richard and Vivienne Vellacott, George and Lana Walls, Judy Watts, Alison Weller, Mike and Joanna Whistler, Hugo Caroline White, Jeremy and Hazel York.
The next lunch will be held at The Wardrobe on Sunday 14 July 2019 by kind permission of The Rifles Wardrobe Museum.
Those attending (74) were Nigel Bedford