Page 179 - The Rifles Bugle Autumn 2019
P. 179

  Lucton School CCF
The pupils of Lucton School continue to take advantage of all that CCF has to offer, with a contingent total of 136 Cadets.
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award continues to be popular, with a record number of passes at both bronze and silver levels. This year saw our Cadets taking part in a number of very challenging and in some cases very wet expeditions. The Contingent also had its first in-house Gold passes since becoming its own licenced centre with C/ Sjt Joe Lund, Cpl Ellie Painter-Black and L/Cpl Jo Hawthorne, all exceptionally honoured to receive their gold award.
First Aid is always important at Lucton and the whole of Year 10 passed their youth first aid. The CCF also headed up the national start a heart day with cadets and CCF staff delivering lifesaving first aid training across the whole School. The first aid team again performed exceptionally well winning best CCF in the brigade first aid competition for the sixth year in a row and are keen to complete in the National Finals at Nesscliffe in October.
Summer Camp was hosted by 51 Brigade at Barry Budden. A total of 42 cadets and 7 staff from the Contingent endured a rather epic 10-hour coach journey. The week covered a very wide range of challenging activities, including a very wet 24 hour exercise. They enjoyed a very good range package that allowed the junior and senior Cadets to not only shoot full bore weapons but to progress through the
APC. A highlight of the week for many was the white water rafting.
We have once again had a very successful year and continue to promote a real pride in the Rifles badge that the cadets proudly wear.
Major Craig Derrigan
Contingent Commander
         Lucton School
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             FORCES DISCOUNT

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