Page 198 - The Rifles Bugle Autumn 2019
P. 198
Pontefract Branch
Pontefract branch were joined by members from other branches for a successful Christmas Dinner and Draw at King’s Croft in December, although there are plans to reduce the number of prizes and have entertainment this year.
Unfortunately, Dennis Redman passed away in April. His funeral was attended by many branch members at a packed Methodist Church in Feath- erstone as Dennis was well known and respected in his local community and at Crofton Cricket Club. He was also a patron of the Male Voice Choir who performed during the service. Our sympathies go out to Barbara, who along with Dennis, was a stalwart supporter of our branch.
For those not in the know, the reason for the
caption to Col. Gerry Delany’s photo receiving the bugle is because he was OC B Coy LI Vols & 5LI at Wakefield in the late 60’s.
He was presented with the bugle for serving as Chairman/Secretary of Pontefract Branch since its inception. After standing down, due to longevity, he has been made Honorary President (so we can impeach him if he steps out of line?).
The ‘usual suspects’ attended the Shrewsbury Reunion, although, sadly, Albert and Eileen Richardson couldn’t make it this year - they did however attend the Rifles Gathering in Hendon along with other branch members.
Spring bank holiday saw members attending Pontefract Castle Siege Weekend with the Associ- ation Gazebo.
On the 6th July Wakefield AFD in Pontefract Park culminated in the presentation of the silvered statuette by Andrew Penny to Wakefield MDC on behalf of the Association - it now appears there will be a re-run at Pontefract Library where it will be permanently housed. On the 22nd July members enjoyed a social evening at Pontefract Ex-services Club where a quiz was held - the plan is to repeat this type of event 3 or 4 times a year.
Minden Day will have events in Pontefract and Doncaster followed by an evening at Grove Hall, South Kirby on Saturday, 3rd August 19.
Cede Nullis.
Col CG “Gerry” Delany – “The boogey-woogey Bugler Boy from Company B!”
Cowan, “Ken” Kenneth Kenneth ‘Ken’ Cowen late KOYLI and 2LI sadly passed away on 10 February 2019 aged 76 in Doncaster Infirmary. Ken enlisted into the KOYLI on 11 Oct 1960 and continued to serve with 2LI after vesting day in 1968.
A popular member of the Regiment Ken will be greatly missed.
The funeral took place on 25 Feb 19 at Rosehill Crematorium, Doncaster, was attended by members of The KOYLI Association and was followed by a wake at Woodlands Rhinos’ Club, Doncaster.
Ken’s granddaughter has asked for the following message to be published: “Ken passed away peacefully aged 76 on Sunday 10th February 2019 at Doncaster Royal Infirmary. Ken leaves behind him: sister June; wife June and daughter Mel. Stepchildren: David; Linda and Jan. 7 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren.
Born in Newcastle Ken joined the Light Infantry at age 18. Ken always held his KOYLI family in high regard and close to his heart. He loved nothing more than having a catch up with the lads to talk about times gone by over a cup of tea and a cigarette.
With his heart of gold and a great sense of humour, he was well liked by everyone who knew him. He was there with a helping hand for anyone who needed it. Ken loved his family and always had time for his friends. He enjoyed the caravans he had on the East Coast and of course not forgetting how much of a soft spot he had for animals, big or small.
Ken was loved and adored by his family and will be missed terribly.”
RIP Cede Nullis
25064939 Cpl JP “Jonny” Cole. Cpl Jonathan 22702911 Davies, John died on 18 July 2019. He
“Jonny” Cole, late 2RIFLES sadly passed away on 9th August 2018. He served with 2 RIFLES.
The funeral mass took place on 5 September at Christ The King Church, Alfreton, Derbyshire followed by a cremation service.
was born on 15 May 1934 in Leigh on Sea, Essex. Called up for his National Service in August 1952 he completed his basic training with the Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry at Cowley Barracks, Oxford, and was posted to the 1st Bn KOYLI at Dortmund, Germany in Nov 1952. The following year in the March the battalion was posted to Berlin where they were involved in the riots that took place in the June of that year, when the population rose up against the Russian oppression.Trained as an anti-tank gunner he later became the company clerk for Support Company under Major Cooke. Upon demobilisation in the August of 1954, he returned to work in the agricul- tural trade, and in his latter years was a reporter for a local newspaper in Grantham, Lincs.
A keen sportsman, he became a member of Newark Golf Club, Notts in 1970 and was a member for well over thirty years and was the Club Captain in 1997, a dual role that he held with his wife Joan who was the Lady Captain at the same time.
RIP, Cede Nullis
Foster, “Ron” Ronald It is with sadness that we announce that Cpl Ron Foster passed away on 3 Jan 2019 aged 76. Ron enlisted into the KOYLI on 8 May 1961 and continued on to serve with 2LI. The funeral service took place on 7 Feb 19 at Mexborough Cemetery and afterwards at the Imperial Club, Mexborough. Members of The Regimental Associ- ation were in attendance to pay their respects.
Our thoughts and condolences are with Ron’s family and friends at this sad time.
RIP Cede Nullis