Page 219 - The Rifles Bugle Autumn 2019
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the money was raised in less than three years.
At Arnold’s funeral the bearer party was furnished by the Gurkha’s
from Catterick Garrison. Arnold was also known for his carved walking sticks and shepherds crooks. One was presented to Prince Philip, Colonel in Chief (REME) and one by the Gurkha’s to Prince Charles as their Colonel in Chief on his birthday.
Captain Ram Malla chairman of the British Gurkha Napalese Community (BGNC|) in Catterick and Darlington said “words cannot express how much Arnold Sanderson did for the Gurkha’s Welfare Trust and the Gurkha community.” Close friend CSjt Jai Bahudua Gurung said “with his help we set up a school within two years, The Honour is Ours.”
SCOTT, Robert. Born 14 April 1929 and died on 27 November 2018 aged 89 years. Robert served in the Durham Light Infantry as well as 2KOYLI. Robert was married to Teresa and had four sons Raymond, Gerard, Michel and Christopher and was a loving grandad.
TEASDALE, Emmanuel. Died on 18 May 2019 aged 83. Emmanuel began his national service in the Durham Light Infantry in 1958. He trained at Brancepeth Castle and was then posted to Aldershot. He left the Durham Light Infantry in 1960 and resumed his career as an engineer, working for Powleys, Thorns and Pyrex/Corning from where he retired in 2000.
TWENTYMAN, Allan. Allan was born on the 4th April 1932 and died on the 18 November 2018 aged 86 years. Allan served with 1DLI in Korea as a National Serviceman. He was a keen and active member of the Durham and Cleveland Branch of the British Korean Veterans Association and a Vice President of the Stockton Branch
of the Durham Light Infantry Association. Allan was diagnosed as having dementia and his health had deteriorated over the last 5 years, despite the loving care provided by his wife Olwyn. Allan will be sadly missed by all who knew him.
WADE, Brian. Died during the middle of January 2019. Brian served in 1DLI 5Pl B Coy in Hong Kong and Colchester, then he joined the Recce Pl.
WETHERALL, David (Titch) died on
2nd June 2019 at the age of 73. His
funeral was held at Skipton Crema-
torium on 12 June 19. Dave joined
the regiment DLI as a boy soldier in
1961. He joined 1DLI in 1963 in Hong
Kong and was posted to the Bugle
Pl. He served in Hong Kong, Borneo,
Colchester and Cyprus UN tour until
the amalgamation in 1968. He trans-
ferred to 1RGJ for a short period then
to 1LI where he remained for most of
his career. He served as a Sect Comd in
Northern Ireland in the early 70’s. Then
to Colchester and Belize and then as
Cpl in C Coy in Hong Kong 1974-77 and then Pl Sjt in B Coy. Later in his career he was a Recruiting Sjt at the Sunderland ACO. He was a PSI in 7LI where he applied for the LSL through the Chief Clerk of 7LI. Titch finally moved to Yorkshire with his second wife.
WILKINSON, Richard, Ricky. Died on 22 November 2018. Ricky was a Drill Instructor in 1DLI in Hong Kong during 1964.
162 previously unknown manuscript letters sent by Colonel George Miller to his brother between 1804 and 1828, giving insights into his distinguished service in the 95th Rifles. Miller was captured at Buenos Aires, survived Corunna and Walcheren, and fought with Wellington across Spain into France. At Waterloo he commanded 2/95th before being wounded. For his research on ballistics he was elected FRS in 1827.
The letters have been edited by Elizabeth Laidlaw with an extensive introduction, background notes, bibliography and indexes. Bound in rifle green, the book contains 472 pages plus 16 pages of illustrations in colour, showing the manuscript, battle-maps, George Miller’s medals and his Waterloo watch.
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