Page 28 - The Rifles Bugle Autumn 2019
P. 28

       NATO readiness training continued throughout 2018, including practising the lost art of digging in to Stage
 A completed trench
   UKSB conceptual training with the Police
1 RIFLES has enjoyed another excellent year. The Battalion has moved on from high proficiency in Light Force Conventional Warfighting operations as NATO VJTF(L) Spearhead Battle Group and part of the JEF Light Brigade, into force prepa- ration and deployment on Op TORAL 8 in Afghan- istan. Along the way, 1 RIFLES achieved the best unit performance on Ex CAMBRIAN PATROL for a second year running, our JNCOs have performed superbly at the Infantry Battle School with 11 SCBC passes and 6 PSBC passes (one-third of which received Instructor Recommendations) and members of the Battalion deployed on exercise or Defence Engagement to Kenya, Georgia, the USA, Albania, Serbia, Germany, Norway, France, Kosovo, and the Central Asian Republics. Pre-de- ployment training for Op TORAL 8 in Afghanistan has dominated the latter period with individual and collective pre-deployment training being the focus of activity during autumn and winter. The
deployment to Kabul began in March, with the Battalion due to return in October. A deployment to Nigeria for the 25-strong enduring training team will take place in August with Riflemen returning in December in time for Christmas.
1 RIFLES took over the NATO VJTF(L) Spearhead BG role and JEF Light Brigade Light Infantry Battalion commitment on 1 March 2018, working to HQ 12 Armd Inf Bde for VJTF(L) and 7 Bde for the JEF. NATO Assurance Measure Exercises relevant to our role included Ex SARMIS in the Carpathian Mountains of Romania for C Coy group, Ex NOBLE PARTNER 18 in Georgia during August for A Coy group, and Ex ALBANIAN LION in Albania during September for a Pl(+) from B Coy.
A composite platoon from 1 RIFLES, including some Reservists, provided the Force Protection to the British Army Training Unit Kenya (BATUK) in Sep-Nov 18. In addition to the important security task in Nanyuki, some members were able to join

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