Page 285 - The Rifles Bugle Autumn 2019
P. 285

  Green Jacket Close
7th January 2019
1. Green Jacket Close consists of 21 units off Stanmore Lane, Winchester. Details are:
a. 3 x semi-detached 2 bedroom houses, built in 1904
b. 10 x 1 bedroom flats, built in 1904 and converted in the 1960s
c. 2 x 1 bedroom flats, 2 x 2 bedroom flats, and 4 x maisonettes, built in 1966
2. Update of residents:
a. Marital status
There are 27 residents consisting of: Couples x 6
Widows x 2
Widowers x 3
Divorced x 6 Separated x 1 Single x 3
b. Age groups of residents:
9 in 60s 12 in 70s 6 in 80s
c. The 27 residents’ ages add up to 2,000 years. The average age being 74 yrs.
d. Regiments:
1 x Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry 2 x King’s Royal Rifle Corps
2 x Rifle Brigade
2 x Rifle Brigade/Royal Green Jackets
5 x Green Jacket Brigade/Royal Green Jackets 9 x Royal Green Jackets
3. Eligibility
Green Jacket Close accommodation will be let to:
a. A married couple, civil partnership or partnership (of not less than 5 years standing in the latter case) where the qualifying ex serviceman is aged 60-70 years (except in special cases), and subject in the case of the ex serviceman to service qualifications in the Rifles or one of its forming or antecedent Regiments.
b. Any individual aged 60 – 70 years (except in special cases) who has the requisite service qualification in the Rifles or one of its forming or antecedent Regiments.
c. A Regimental widow, civil partner or partner aged 60-70 years (except in special cases), subject to the necessary service and marriage or partnership qualifications.
4. Application
a. It is quite acceptable to apply to be put on the waiting list before the age of 60 is reached. Appli- cants should apply to the Rifles Secretary Finance, RHQ the Rifles, Peninsula Barracks, Romsey Road, Winchester, Hampshire, SO23 8TS.
b. Applicants should bear in mind that the homes are covered by a Trust Deed, regulated by The Charity Commissioners. As such, the Rifles Benevolent Trust is required to allocate vacancies to those in need of assistance.
5. Charges
Applicants should be aware that all properties are unfurnished and residents pay their own Council Tax, water rates and utility bills and also a maintenance charge of approximately £69.00 per week.
                                      THE RIFLES

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