Page 11 - 1RHA 2021
P. 11
1st Regiment Royal Horse Artillery
The Chestnuts Officers prepare themselves for a introduction to X-Country Skiing
Following our Post Operational Tour Leave and Regimen- tal Easter Leave, the Battery returned to Regimental Duty and concurrently started its preparation for joining the UKRU and completing Combat Ready training as part of the 5 RIFLES Bat- tlegroup. This involved deploying to Castlemartin for Ex IRON STORM (a Battlegroup HQ Command Post Exercise) and utilis- ing the Castlemartin Ranges for chain gun competency quali- fications on the Warrior Observation Post Vehicle. Members of the Gun Group also deployed on Ex CYPHER SHARPEN (a Joint Fires specific Battlecraft refresher exercise) which gave them a chance to consolidate after a new influx of gunners. Whilst sup- porting the UKRU, the Battery has seen members deploy on Op RESCRIPT for a MACA (Military Assistance to the Civil Authori- ties) tasking in Bolton, delivering COVID tests to local residents.
More recently the fall of Kabul has led to the Regiment being held at a heightened state of readiness in support of Op PIT- TING. Members of the Chestnut Troop deployed to the foreign office in Whitehall and were highly praised for the job which inevitably saved lives. Looking ahead the Battery is preparing to live fire once again in support of the Royal School of Artil- lery in November and subsequent deployment on a Battery exer- cise. The Chestnut Troop continues to grow, brought on by these rich experiences and a steady inflow of talented and committed young men and women. It is eagerly looking forward to the chal- lenges ahead, whilst maintaining its capability for the nation as part of the Regiment’s UKRU commitments. A UK Christmas, with families, will come as a refreshing break given last year’s commitment to Op CABRIT 7.
The CPO cooks up some home comforts in -14 degrees conditions
Lt Watson prepares his route for a road manoeuvre