Page 4 - 1RHA 2021
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1st Regiment Royal Horse Artillery
As we look back on 2021 it is worth reflecting on some very significant moments interna- tionally, here in the UK, and of course even closer to home in 1st Regiment.
For those who were involved in oper- ations in Afghanistan over the past 20 years, particularly through those most demanding deployments dur- ing the Operation HERRICK era, the
fall of Helmand and ultimately Kabul to the Taliban may have come as a shock and will inevitably linger long in the memory.
It will be for historians and others to decide the true legacy of this intervention; just remember those of you who served in Afghanistan did so with honour, professionalism, bravery, and distinction in the most challenging circumstances imaginable. And the contribution families made remaining steadfast, often bearing the greatest burden of worry while ‘keeping calm and carrying on’ must also be recognised. Tactical gains and other advances across Afghan society were not matched by the political progress necessary to secure a lasting agreement; the decision to leave Afghanistan to the Taliban was exactly that – a political decision.
More positively, I hope 2021 will be the year we started an irreversible return to something approaching normality after the series of lockdowns and restrictions placed on everyday life due to the COVID-19 pandemic. I am acutely aware of the impact this has had on your training and other plans, and I applaud you for refusing to be ‘defined by COVID,’ instead finding solutions rather than excuses – as has always been the 1 RHA way.
The Regiment never stands still and 2021 has seen a signifi- cant ‘changing of the guard.’ In amongst several notable arriv- als and departures I would like to place on record our col- lective thanks and best wishes to Lieutenant Colonel Simon Thomson and WO1 ((RSM) now Captain) Dylan Evans and welcome into the 1 RHA fold Lieutenant Colonel Roy Tay- lor and WO1 (RSM) Tez Matthews; they are already several months into their time with the Regiment as I’m sure you are all aware!
As we bid farewell to 2021 and usher in 2022 with its inevi- table challenges and opportunities, I encourage everyone to seize the opportunities that come your way in the year ahead. Knowing this great Regiment as I do, I’m sure you will.
Honorary Colonel Major General N Marshall OBE