Page 42 - 1RHA 2021
P. 42

1st Regiment Royal Horse Artillery
   At the close of a truly extraordinary year, and having reflected upon the remarkable achievements of the Regi- ment over that 12-month period, it is only fitting that we take a moment to look forward. During a period in which excep- tional demands have been placed upon the Army, well outside its usual remit, the regular churn of exercises and deployments has taken something of a backseat. But with the COVID-19 pandemic beginning to recede, 1 RHA stands poised to play a leading role in the British Army’s refocus on its core business.
With the publication of the Integrated Review in March 2021, major change is afoot. A strategic shift to the Asia-Pacific region, with a significant nod to the growing importance of Africa, has invited self-reflection and will necessarily produce change. With a focus on agility and lethality, new structures and frameworks are required to enable the British Army to project itself into these regions with competence and credibility.
The re-organisation of existing forces into ‘Brigade Combat Teams’ (BCTs), the establishment of the Army Special Opera- tions Brigade (and new Ranger Regiment) and a renewed focus on embracing technology, cyber and integration and support to partner forces will secure the British Army as an expeditionary force into the next quarter of a century.
For our part, 1st Regiment Royal Horse Artillery has been selected to form part of the Deep Recce Strike Brigade Combat Team, and will be affiliated to the 20th Armoured Brigade Combat Team (The Iron First). This will leave us at the leading edge of the Army’s primary warfighting formation (3rd United Kingdom Divi- sion), and is a resounding vote of confidence in our soldiers and officers. It is clear that 1 RHA’s future as a relevant, competitive fighting Regiment is secure.
In the immediate term, 2022 holds many opportunities for the Regiment as overseas training opportunities and Adventurous Training become more a realistic proposition in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Sadly, 1 RHA was unable to compete in any skiing over the period covered by this journal, but Ex ALPINE CYPHER (a full Alpine race season) is planned for January, repre- senting a great opportunity to get our hardworking officers and soldiers away for some much-needed recreation. This is followed swiftly by a Leadership Week at the end of January, providing an excellent opportunity for Batteries to come together and reflect on all their hard work and what they have achieved over the pre- ceding year.
Notably, a Tac Group from the Regiment will be deploying to Japan on Ex VIGILANT ISLES to conduct dismounted training. This will be a first for 1 RHA, and a reflection of the strategic pivot outlined in the Integrated Review. The opportunity to work in an unfamiliar country, alongside the Japanese Self-Defence Forces, is an exciting glimpse of things to come as the Brigade Combat Teams come to fruition.
A full Regimental deployment to Germany on Ex DYNAMIC FRONT is planned for June and July, and should see the Regiment conduct TQCC live firing and joint training alongside USAEUR, an excellent opportunity to dust off the cobwebs and re-engage with our core business.
At the present time, 2022 promises to be another fantastic year in the history of 1st Regiment Royal Horse Artillery, and it is clear that the soldiers and officers of the Regiment are up for the chal- lenge.
Look Forward Captain C C Dodd RHA

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