Page 31 - RADC Bulletin 2022
P. 31

  in a FLOW i.e. it ‘tells each app to talk to the next.’
Most of our flows involve:
Forms (data capture) > Excel (data organising and analysis) > Outlook (notification for actioners)
So what does it look like – front end through to the background
1. A QR Code poster is scanned using any mobilephone/tablet.
2. This opens a Microsoft Form to input the data to.
3. Once form is Submitted, the
information then auto-populates in the corresponding Excel workbook – a single file on Sharepoint for all users of the DC to access.
4. As well as this, an email notification can be sent with a link to the workbook (quick access, one click!) to relevant parties to notify that update has been made.
5. Workbook can then be easily accessed to ensure any actions required can be carried out.
All in one automated process from scanning the QR code!
Real examples of applications in Seria DC Manual actions in Green, Automated in Blue
• MDSSalertingforfaults
QR code in surgery > Opens MS Form
> Email alert sent to MDSS Tech & PM > Equipment fault Excel log updated > MDSS tech attends the fault
Benefits – MDSS tech can track requests on email, Fault log populated on Sharepoint and can be reviewed periodically by the PM, no more ‘phone engaged,’ ‘post it note left,’ ‘didn’t you tell them?’
• PPE&Consumablestracking
QR code in CSSD > Opens MS Form >
PPE tracker updated, Stores order book updated > PM reviews stores log and places CP&F order
Benefits – Less ‘physical counting’ of stock, immediate update to order book, PM can access anytime – no more ‘illegible surgery books’ in which can’t use search and find feature of excel
• DentalNursetrainingrecordsand reflections
QR code in surgery > Opens MS Form > DN completes reflection, Mentor completes
feedback > Email record sent to DN (CPD evidence) > Training record updated > PM generates certificates periodically (CPD)
Benefits – CPD training record generated, evidence of training, reflection and feedback for future assurance. RHQ can analyse
what additional clinical activities DNs are conducting and allocate courses / specific postings (NOT easily shown on DMICP)
• Compliments&SuggestionsBox
QR code at reception > Opens MS Form
for Patient or Receptionist recording > Details of who and what are inputted > Condition set so IF compliment/suggestion, this populates the Compliments book on Sharepoint and PM receives email notification, IF complaint is
selected, this is emailed directly to the SDO & PM immediately for action
Benefits – easy for patient to record themselves or receptionist can input if a passing comment has been made by a patient. Sharepoint log is updated and PM can access for practice meeting minutes. Urgent email highlighted to SDO if a complaint is recorded and the details are quickly accessible for actioning.
A recent upgrade we implemented has now converted what was a different QR code per process (lots of posters and needed
to update if a new code was added) to a SINGLE Master QR code which then offers links to the various different MS forms. This means we don’t need to reprint the codes when a new form is added – less printing & laminating!
Final note, you may be thinking, “but it’ll take me too long to learn how to do this and how to set this up, I’ll just carry on with how we do things now”. The great thing about automating processes is, once set up, they domostoftheworkforyou.Thussaving you time and helping you to remember to complete your actions.
Have a go, watch some Youtube videos and get in touch with Cpl Etu Romain or Maj Emily Schlesinger via Overseas RHQ if you’d like to know more.

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