Page 44 - Demo
P. 44
Protecting the Solent and its environment for future generations
The Solent Protection Society (SPS) is a registered charity which was established over sixty years ago at the time when controversially, a Nuclear Power Station had been proposed in Newtown Creek.
The Solent is constantly under huge pressure from shipping, leisure and development along its shoreline.The aim of the Society is to protect the Solent and its environment for future generations and our interest extends from the Needles Channel to Selsey Bill, just to the East of Chichester Harbour, including the adjoining rivers
and estuaries. Our membership includes individuals, clubs and other stakeholder
organisations led by our Council, many
of whom have particular expertise and professional interests relevant to our purpose.
Having originated as a protest group, our activities have, over the years, developed
to provide independent and constructive advice, together with observations in the best interests of preserving the natural environment of the Solent. Our observations and reports are forwarded to an increasing number of central and local government organisations and quangos which plan the future of our shores.We always aim for constructive engagement rather than simply raising objections.
SPS has, for example, been involved
in the consultation processes that led
to the designation of Marine Control
Zones for the protection of our most important wild-life habitats. SPS has also made representations to the various Local councils involved, Natural England and the Government on the creation and routing
of our local Coastal Paths, all of which have now been published for consultation, except for a small part of the Northeast coast of
the Isle of Wight. We are pleased to say that many of our comments have been taken into account in the final plans so far published.
SPS has a particular interest in protecting our coastline from unsightly development and from time to time submit comment and when necessary, objections, to Planning Authorities when visual intrusion could and should be avoided.The Solent Protection Society has frequently been invited to join consultation groups on various projects in the Solent and currently we are represented on the panels of six different local groups.
Aerial view of Hurst Castle