Page 29 - Last Chargers example
P. 29

Trpt Maj Mowlam Sgt AH Carter
Pte Coote Pte AD Hunt
going to dismount for action and engage the enemy in the  ank but it became apparent as they neared the top of the ridge that a mounted action was on the Colonel’s mind. The Squadron turned to the left, and left again and right wheeled into line. The order was given to ‘Walk’, and the Squadron walked a couple of hundred yards, which rested the horses. Next came ‘Form Line’ and once the horses had been steadied just below the ridge, the Colonel shouted ‘Charge!73’ Trumpet Major Mowlam74 sounded ‘Trot’, ‘Gallop’, and then ‘Charge’, a call that was quickly taken up by C Squadron’s Trumpeter75 Cousins76. On cresting the ridgeline, there remained only 50 yards between the charging Lancers and the dismounted Dragoons77. It was at this point
73 Webb
74 3896 Trumpeter Sergeant WH Mowlam
75 Jacob
76 1647 Trumpeter AS Cousins
77 This is likely to have been 4/1GD
Sgt Swell
Cpl Knight
LCpl Martin

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