Page 39 - Last Chargers example
P. 39

SSM Vine
with an empty saddle to tell the Squadron that a stray bullet had killed him117.
After the 5th Cavalry Brigade retired, the six118 horse119 ambulances from 5th Cavalry Field Ambulance were left picking up the wounded and their various stories are worth repeating in some detail. One small escort of some lancers and two wagons reached Moÿ de l’Aisne with thirteen wounded prisoners. The ambulance, commanded by Lieutenant Wyler RAMC, was nearly captured at a farm when a German of cer’s patrol arrived as the doctor was dress- ing the wounded. The German demanded to see the Colonel of the 12th Lancers120, and then informed him that the Prince von Furstenburg121 had commanded the German Cavalry Brigade that had just been engaged, and that a number of of cers, including his own Regimental Commanding Of cer, as well as a large number of men, had been killed
117 Maze p48 – shot in the head
118 5 Fd Amb
119 Masterson
120 Pacey –Taken to ambulance by Private Pacey
121 This name does not feature in the German Order of Battle
Cpl Whelan (approx 1913)
in the attack. The German of cer pointed his revolver at Colonel Wormald’s head as if to shoot him but, seeing Wormald completely unmoved, left the farm with his patrol. The incident, corroborated by six young French Cavalry of cers to Squadron Sergeant Major ‘Togo122’ Vine and members of A Squadron, was suf cient to prompt the doctor imme- diately to put as many of the wounded into an ambulance as he could and move them all safely to La Fère. Unfortunately,Trumpet Major Mowlam who had been badly wounded in the thigh was too seriously wounded to be moved and had to be left behind123. He was later taken prisoner.124
Meanwhile, on the  eld of the charge, the Medical Of cer detailed soldiers from A Squadron (Sergeant Bushell125, Corporal Whelan, Privates Grey126 and Hodgen127)
122 Whelan p20
123 Charrington – 1 (Part 3, p12)
124 Güstrow POW Camp and repatriated on 29th January
125 3789 Sergeant HE Bushell
126 801 Private MG Grey
127 1449 Private A Hodgen

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