Page 6 - Last Chargers example
P. 6
Epitaph on an Army of Mercenaries (1914)1
These in the day when Heaven was falling. The hour when earth’s foundations ed, Followed their mercenary calling
And took their wages; and are dead.
Their shoulders held the skies suspended, They stood; and earth’s foundations stay. What God abandoned, these defended, And saved the sum of things for pay.
“Dedicated to the memory of the Regiment of the past entrusted for safe keeping to the Regiment of today
As custodians of the history for the Regiment of the future”
In Memoriam
In memory of Mr George Hanlon, son of Private Skipper Hanlon, and Major Mark Harrison who as RSM did much to encourage the study of Regimental history, both of whom sadly died before this book was published.
Cover Picture by kind permission of the Commanding Of cer – The Return from the Charge of the 12th Lancers at Moÿ by George Wright. c.1914. Property of the 9th/12th Royal Lancers (Prince of Wales’s) Museum Trustees, Derby 912L
1 ByAE Housman written after the First Battle ofYpres and was rst printed in theTimes on 31th October 1917.