Page 38 - Oundle Life February 2024
P. 38

                                SURGERY NEWS
Lakeside Healthcare
  As the days remain short and temperatures cold timely access to healthcare is priority. We are delighted to share with you that a
new Health Care Assistant has started at the Surgery, enabling more appointments, here in Oundle for blood tests and other services. We are acutely aware of the inconvenience and discontent that results from round trip(s) to community phlebotomy clinics outside of town. We do hope this gives those with limited ability and capacity to travel
much encouragement.
Our focus for 2024 will be improving
access and service to your local doctor’s
surgery. We are building positive
relationships with local pharmacies
to ensure timely medication supplies.
Please be aware your annual regular
medication review will now line up
with your birth month. If you require
up to date observation recording, for
example weight, height, blood pressure or blood tests completing to enable regular medicines review, please submit in the weeks prior to
your birth month. All variables can then be considered for safe medication monitoring for the year ahead.
We look forward to the launch of Anima,
a new improved digital healthcare access platform, a tool to help reduce your telephone
wait times. Further information to follow on our Facebook page and website and also posters on site. Patients are able to create their account prior to launch.
The New Year opened with industrial action in all local secondary care sites. Sadly this
will have a knock on effect on care pathways beyond the Surgery. To assist we are looking at providing those patients who find themselves
  Our focus for 2024 will be improving access and service to your local Doctor’s surgery
in a daunting position with a new cancer diagnosis support and ‘please accommodate status’ on their records. We hope this highlights their medical scenario with ease.
At the end of January we welcome back fourth year medical students. Medical students require real patient experience, symptom histories, concerns and expectations. A few patients were able to contribute during their last visit by attending shared
medical student and General Practitioner (GP) acute clinics. Many Thanks to those who gave permission and their extra time. We will run the same format in early February.
Dr L Brennan and all staff at Lakeside Healthcare at Oundle

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