Page 12 - Mercian Eagle 2017
P. 12
Pl Comd Pl Sgt Wr Sgt
Lt Dyson
Sgt Simmonds
Sgt Groom / Sgt Lord
3 Platoon, A (Grenadier) Company
2017 has proved to be a challenging yet exciting year and the Platoon has had soldiers deployed throughout the world on a variety of different tasks. During this time members of 3 Platoon have been involved in the full spectrum of activities that the Army has to offer. They have embraced it all with a relaxed but professional attitude and good sense of humour, which is found both throughout the Platoon and the wider Regiment. A particular highlight was the deployment on the AWE (Army Warfighting Experiment), where the Platoon was able to get its hands on some particularly ‘Gucci’ kit and play a key role in the testing of
it. Equipment we tested included new quad bikes, drones and solar charging
kits to name a few, as well as dismounted situational awareness tablets based on Samsung touchscreen phones. This was a vision of the future which, while not quite in the realms of James Cameron, nevertheless gave an exciting new perspective on soldiering and how it could develop in the near future. Overall it was a rewarding experience which saw 3 Platoon soldiers having an impact on the future of the Army and an input into what equipment it may use.
The summer saw elements of the Platoon deploy to BATUS alongside the Battalion
to form the enemy forces. They took on
the role of OPFOR with characteristic enthusiasm and were able to achieve remarkable results while acting as a free- thinking enemy force. Those deployed were
also able to make the most of opportunities for travel and Adventurous Training, which rounded off a successful deployment to BATUS. However, not content with merely one accolade, 3 Platoon were also well represented amongst those who deployed to London on public duties. Whilst parading on the forecourt of Buckingham palace
with other Grenadiers and their comrades from C (Kohima) Company, they proved that Mercians can drill with the best. As well as looking sharp on the square, soldiers from 3 Platoon were well placed to take advantage of cultural and social opportunities offered by the capital.
After a well-earned period of summer leave, 3 Platoon reformed to take on
the tasks that awaited it throughout the autumn and into winter. The Platoon was able to hone its armoured and dismounted skills alongside the rest of the company, whilst deployed on a variety of tasks and exercises. From a sporting perspective
the Platoon has also seen significant achievements, being well represented on the unit’s successful British Army Warrior Fitness team. As well as this, Pte Gilbert- Hatch has excelled in this winter’s skiing competitions, winning several medals in the process.
The platoon is looking forward to 2018 and the challenges it will bring. We are currently focussed on preparing for and deploying to BATUS in the Spring alongside the rest of the Company.
Sgt Simmonds and LCpl Scott of 3 Platoon alongside Sgt Mackenzie-Bell (C Coy) and LCpl Hassall (D Coy) forming the victorious 1 MERCIAN British Army Warrior Fitness team
Pte Derby alongside the St James’ Palace Detachment of the Queens guard in Friary Court after a successful guard mount.
Assaulting into Copehill Down Village during low- level training on Salisbury Plain, October 2017