Page 9 - Cormorant Issue 18
P. 9

of cers. Whilst we have enhanced our understanding of military strategic thinking, defence and foreign policy, joint and combined operations, leadership and many other subjects, it has furthermore provided us with a priceless occasion to learn about
“Whilst we have enhanced our understand”ing
of military strategic thinking...
other nations, their ideals and ideas, their needs, motivations and culture. It has allowed us – and our families – to forge bonds that will last much
instead, however, was more than worthwhile.
than worthwhile.
and interests in a compressed timeframe. It was reassuring to
see our children thrive
like to acknowledge the efforts undertaken by the wealth of
clubs, community services and education institutions in catering
throughout the pre-course training, we enjoyed the exuberance of events such as the multitude of balls and dinners, as well as the travels and after-hours activities. There were numerous occasion to share the richness of our own cultures, perspectives and beliefs, allowing us to contribute
to the greater debate on the strategic
and operational level. The International Families’ Day provided the opportunity
for the Academy and wider community to gain a glimpse of other nations through their food, music and dance. Additionally the International partners were provided with outstanding forums to socialise and bond. What quickly became apparent was the esteem that this course is held in by the political, academic, industrial and military community. This was demonstrated by
the high calibre of speakers and presenters that addressed us throughout the entire course but also the access we were given
to government organisations, defence industry and others. This opportunity
has broadened our understanding and appreciation of the United Kingdom and where it views itself within the world.
What we received
From the beginning
on, we enjoyed good company, the feeling in a school environment and to watch our
of being welcome and the enormous efforts made to make us and our families part of the Defence College and local community.
The year has been marked by many memorable events, which allowed us to delve deeper into British culture as well as having the opportunity to showcase our own. Besides the experiences provided
partners enjoy their time in the United Kingdom and embark on new experiences.
In this respect we owe you a great thank you. We bid you farewell until we meet next time across the world!
A special mention needs to be made concerning the wider Watch eld and Shrivenham community and the great length they have gone to welcome,
accept and integrated our families and us. Although not an exhaustive list, we would
longer than the dark memory of the one or other exam we had to go through or the nights we have been sitting at our desks trying to get essays and defence research papers done.
Even though we all attended the same
course, the fact remains that every one of
us – including our British colleagues –
embarked on a personal journey. Based on
our individual experience, our cultural and
military background and not least language
skills, we may have found one or another
part of the course more interesting, more
relevant or even more challenging. Without
exaggerating or whitewashing, however, I
believe I speak for all of us internationals
by saying that the last year was a very
intense one and – more importantly – a very
good one. Given the
workload of the course,
probably only a few of
us managed to comply
with von Goethe’s
noteworthy advice.
What we received however, was mo” for the diverse needs

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