Page 101 - MERCIAN Eagle 2021
P. 101

                                Infantry Battle School
  Capt Charles Hunt
2021 has seen IBS, along with the wider world, striving to resume a level of normality, with courses returning to full strength and duration. The aim of the Battle school remains the same, to produce high quality light role infantry leaders. MERCIAN soldiers and officers have an ever-growing impact on the development and delivery of training, as is evident by the increasing volume
of permanent staff in wide raging roles throughout the school.
This year has seen the departure of
two fantastic seniors. CSgt Jesse (Goldie) Kauleta who returns to 2 MERCIAN to pass on his expertise within their training wing and newly promoted WO2 Luke Mason who has taken over Support Company CSM,
1 MERCIAN. We wish them all the best in their future endeavours.
We have seen a growing influx of MERCIANs taking on influential roles within the school. Junior Division has seen the biggest MERCIAN footprint with new faces in its HQ; Maj Richard Sawyer taking the seat as OC Junior Division supported
by Capt Mark Cooke as his 2IC. CSgt Cameron Crease is also welcomed into
the fold and has recently completed his
first course as an instructor. Capt Alex Johl takes on a new and innovative role as OC Dismounted Battlecraft Wing where he is responsible for overseeing the development of low level tactical Urban training. In addition, he has planned and delivered the
first iteration of the Army’s Close Quarter Battle Instructors Course to great success.
The Regiments continuity within the school is provided by Capt Nigel Garcia
as MTO, CSgt Bircumshaw - supporting 2Lts development in PCD - and our most experienced personality, Cpl Tejendra Thapa as a PTI.
This is an opportune moment to congratulate both the Regiments Late Entry Officers within the school, Capts Mark Cooke and Nigel Garcia on promotion to Major and a place on ICSC (L).
The Battle school itself remains at the forefront of light role infantry training and DCC development. This year has focused on testing and updating doctrine in a range of areas including; night, FIWAF, subterranean and trench. The school have also assisted in the rewriting of the infantry pocket handbook.
In terms of the students themselves, MERCIANs have seen an increase
in top third placements from soldiers
and instructors are reporting strong performances across the board from our soldiers which bodes well for the future
of the Regiment as a fighting force. As
a MERCIAN rep at the Battle School, I encourage Commanders from all of our Battalions to come and visit their soldiers on courses to engage with the latest up to date training and doctrine we are delivering on our courses – Please get in touch!
 OC Junior Division
2IC Junior Division
OC Dismounted Battlecraft Wing Instructor, Senior Division
Instructor, Platoon Commanders Division Instructor, Junior Division
AAPTI, Training Support Division
Instructor, Senior Division (departed Summer 2021) CQMS, Junior Division (departed Summer 2021)
Maj Richard Sawyer Capt Mark Cooke Capt Nigel Garcia Capt Alex Johl
Capt Charles Hunt
CSgt Steve Bircumshaw CSgt Cameron Crease
Cpl Tejendra Thapa
CSgt Luke Mason
CSgt Jesse (Goldie) Kauleta

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