Page 11 - MERCIAN Eagle 2021
P. 11

                                 learnt here straight onto Exercise THEMIS GRENADIER. The Company occupied a FOB and quickly established a rotation of guard force, QRF and patrols. The exercise scenario the platoon found themselves in was a difficult one. Longmoor is renowned for its myriad of houses and narrow streets. To make things worse, the QRH had established a role-playing civilian population, with the intention of testing the Company’s ability to conduct COIN operations. The fictitious society represented a divided
and corrupt society on the brink of a civil war. When on patrols here, the Dogs were excellent at engaging with the civilians, and we had soon established a network of key players in the town. Towards the end of the week, once we had successfully infiltrated the militia groups’ leadership, it became clear that the man coordinating the attacks on the civilians was called Barry White, and so the Dogs geared up for a night raid on his headquarters. The raid was a company
objective, and the 1 Platoon Multiple
were given the break-in. The attack was
a culmination of the previous two weeks’ hard work and 1 Platoon did not disappoint; smooth and slick house clearance drills enabled a successful break-in. The rest of the Company then echeloned through and ended the reign of terror from Barry White.
even climb Ben Nevis. Throughout the exercise the Platoon, not wanting to make life easy for the Marines, defended the positions heroically. A notable mention must be paid to LCpl Keeling’s section for dying valiantly in place while God Save the Queen echoed around their final position.
It has undoubtedly been a tough year for the Dogs of 1 Platoon,
but the strength of character that all individuals have shown to take positives out
of every situation they are faced with, is what makes us Grenadiers. Who knows what challenges lay ahead for the Platoon?
Regardless, I am confident that with the attitude they have shown this year, no problem is too large for the Dogs!
After a well-earned
summer leave period
the Platoon assisted in a
multi-national exercise,
this we acted as the
enemy forces for a
NATO task force of
Dutch and Belgian
Marines to conduct
sea to land assaults
on our positions. With the exercise taking place near the Isle of Ewe (the north coast of Scotland), the 1 Platoon culture vultures found time to visit Edinburgh Castle and
Cpl Luvawaqa’s section taking a short break to enjoy the views. Ex Joint Warrior, Isle of Ewe
 The rest of the Company then echeloned through and ended the reign of terror from Barry White

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