Page 50 - MERCIAN Eagle 2021
P. 50

                                 3 Platoon, 1 Section
Cpl Edwards
3 Platoon became a newly formed Platoon in May 2021 after returning from Cyprus and Ex ASKARI STORM, before this 3
Pl was the LIONS platoon made up of LANCS soldiers. We had a new Platoon commander and Platoon Sergeant, coupled with a new set of section commanders
and Pte soldiers. Over the few months post Ex ASKARI STORM, 3 Platoon have focused on platoon level training. This has involved a collection of training enabled by the JNCO’s within the Pl and wider Coy.
A great experience that is exactly what a section commander should be doing, and enabled us to get to know each other as a newly formed platoon.
We are lucky to be based in Weeton as we have a small training area that has a skills house. This enables the platoon and sections to put on training at short notice, such as FIBUA. Section Commanders initially rehearsed with their sections covering corridor and room clearance techniques before culminating with the use of simunition rounds on wooden enemy targets and each other. This was a rare opportunity that some of the newest Pte soldiers had not experienced before, and was thoroughly enjoyed. A final attack was watched by the Commanding Officer, OC and CSM of A (Grenadier) Company.
Section Commanders also provided MATT 5 Navigation training with their sections. Navigation theory was covered first, this ensured that the soldiers understood the basics of map reading. This involved the soldiers practising navigation techniques such as taking bearings, grid references and measuring distance on a map. This was then put into practice by the soldiers of 3 Pl, we conducted a navigation exercise on Weeton Barracks back area. This enabled soldiers to practice their skills but this time on the ground, relating the
map to the ground. Although the training area is small, the soldiers also used the surrounding countryside, this allowed us as section commanders to test their micro navigation by using bearings and pacing.
MATT 3 is probably one of the most important low-level skills that is taught to soldiers, it enables them to train basic skills that save lives on the battlefield. Team Med Instructors taught soldiers in the platoon throughout the week on how to deal with numerous injuries and casualties. At the end of the week soldiers were tested on everything they had learnt, and a vast improvement was seen throughout.
Finally, the Platoon took part in Live Firing Tactical Training (LFTT) in Warcop. The soldiers built up from Individual and pairs fire and manoeuvre to section attacks. This was a great experience that enabled us to learn how each other work in a new platoon. The two weeks culminated in platoon attacks both by day and night. This tested every rank within the Platoon ensuring we’re working to the best of our ability in order to maintain the unit’s operational effectiveness.

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