Page 8 - MERCIAN Eagle 2021
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                                Mercian Regimental Benevolence Charity
Lt Col (Retd) Philip ‘Bill’ Temminck, Through Life Care Officer
 This last year has been utterly unique in the challenges that the country has had to face, this is the same with our working practices and how the Mercian Regiment Benevolent Fund has tried to support both our serving soldiers, veterans, and their families.
The Benevolence Committee took the unusual step in suspending parts of our Standing Operating Procedures to enable us to get support out to our Regimental Family who were in hardship and need in this pandemic. This worked well with us receiving thirty emergency requests for help, and advice with funeral costs for personnel who had died from COVID-19, help with rent, and funds for food due to people being laid off or made redundant.
Case workers from the RBL and SSAFA have started to get back to normal working, but it is worth noting that a large number of caseworkers were required to self-isolate at the start of the pandemic due to their age and some clinical medical conditions. This resulted in very few cases coming though the Case Management System in the first
4 months of the first national lockdown. Case numbers started to increase by Nov 20, but not yet to pre-pandemic levels. Overall, we have had a 20% drop in cases over this year, but despite this we have actioned 266-requests for assistance from serving soldiers, veterans, and our wider Regimental family.
Lt Col Keith Seddon being presented a silver Ram by Brig (Retd) Peter Dennis
and Crich funds. As recognition of his constant charity fund raising since the formation of the Regiment in 2007, Keith was awarded a silver Ram as thanks from the Regiment. We thank all those serving soldiers, veterans and friends
of the Regiment that have helped raise funds to support our Benevolence Charity
This remains our mainstream of income that keeps the charity supporting our serving soldiers, veterans, and Regimental Family. By being a member, you are also guaranteeing that you will also qualify for help in the future should you find yourself in need or hardship.
The last year has continued to be incredibly challenging, and unfortunately, we have lost some close friends and comrades to the ongoing pandemic. We continue to hope and wish that all of our Regimental family keep as well as possible in the future in what I am sure will be another year of turbulence and change.
 A total of £70k was distributed by us and the Army Benevolent Fund to provide financial support. RHQ Staff continued
to work throughout and has maintained contact with our seriously injured veterans and bereaved families through email, texts, and phone calls. We
have provided direct
support to all three
Battalions for welfare
support to soldiers
deployed overseas who
have had to isolate due
to COVID-19 outbreak
Support from all
three of the Mercian
Battalions has been exceptional in helping to raise funds. The Worshipful Company
of Bowyers continued their generosity in donating £6,000 to the fund and continue to support generously to Battalions directly.
Lt Col (Retd) Keith Seddon went ahead with the Mercian charity golf event in July with over 140 players taking part at Rufford Golf Course, and raised over £4,000, this was split 50-50 between the Benevolence
that enable us to keep doing our vital support.
In the Integrated Defence Review, the announcement of the merger of the 1st and 2nd Battalion Mercian Regiment was a massive blow.
The long-term effect of the loss of officers and soldiers who pay into the Day’s Pay Scheme will have a tremendous effect
on the Benevolent Funds income, but we continue to plan a strategy that will make the fund stable and secure into the future.
We would like to thank every serving member of the Mercian Regiment that contributes to the Benevolence Charity by being a member of the Day’s Pay Scheme.
 Support from all three of the Mercian Battalions has been exceptional in helping to raise funds

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