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                                 was attacked by 10 to 12,000 Pashtun tribesmen. Some military historians cite it as one of history’s greatest last stand battles and it was more recently immortalised in the 2019 film, Kesari. For the local Sikh community, it was a day of immense pride and it was a real honour for the Band
to continue the long-lasting and deep friendship between the Sikh community and the military.
In October, the Band provided the musical support to the rededication of
the recently refurbished War Memorial at
St Michael and All Angels, in Tettenhall, Wolverhampton. This community engagement event included a moving outdoor ceremony and was followed by
an hour-long concert performance inside the stunning church. This was an ideal opportunity for the band to engage with the local dignitaries, veterans and the wider community and also enabled us to take
full advantage of the church’s fantastic acoustics to play reflective and moving music to suit the occasion. This was such a success that the Band will be returning to Tettenhall in December to perform a Christmas Concert.
On Armistice Day, our duty bugler was in action as part of the Act of Remembrance at the Hall of Memory in Birmingham. Remembrance Sunday 2021 was a beautifully mild Autumnal day in Birmingham City Centre, where The Band of the Mercian Regiment stood shoulder to shoulder with members of the Armed Forces Community, city officials and members of the public at The Cathedral Square. The service was
led by The Right Reverend David Urquhart, the Bishop of Birmingham and as 1100hrs approached, the Act of Commemoration was recited by the Deputy Lieutenant, Simon Topman MBE DL. The Act was followed by a moving rendition of the Last Post, impeccably performed by Corporal Wendy Robert. Heads bowed in silent reflection as a volley of rifle fire from the 37 Signal Regiment signalled both the start and end of the 2 minutes silence. Wreaths
were laid by Dignitaries, Representatives from the Armed Forces, officials, local community representatives and Veterans accompanied by solemn music from us and the Band of The Salvation Army, conducted by their musical director Gavin Lamplough. Following the service, the Band led the parade on a complete circuit of the Cathedral Square and past the dais, where the salute was taken by the Deputy Lieutenant and Cllr Muhammad Afzal, the Lord Mayor of Birmingham.
Personnel achievements
In a particularly cold and wet January, Musician Kasjan Kryszczuk completed his Basic Training (Bravo) course at ATR Grantham and went on to fulfil his dream of transferring to the Regular Army where he now serves with the Band of the Royal Corps of Army Music in Colchester. We wish him every success.
During lockdowns, the focus was on individual self-development which has really paid off with several musicians celebrating as they have passed sections of their
CEQ Qualifications. Our congratulations to Musician Mikey Cooper who has passed his CEQ3 General Musicianship papers 1 and 2 and the CEQ 3 Aural Exam, whilst Musicians Ernest Appleby and Kerrie Green also passed the CEQ 3 Aural Exam.
The Band of the Mercian Regiment, AT Raft Building, Lake Bala, 21 Aug 21
Musician Laura Morris completed the Common Military Syllabus weekend and in October completed the Common Military Syllabus 21 (Reserve) Basic Training Mod 2, which forms the basis of her introduction to the Army Reserves. She will now progress onto her “Trade Training” to be a musician. Well done!
Due to Covid restrictions and no face- to-face parading, presentations have been delayed until an appropriate opportunity. So, in December we will see the presentation
of six VRSM clasps, each for five years
of efficient service and one VRSM for
10 years of service. To earn a clasp, the recipient must already have a VRSM, which represents 10 years of previous AR service. Our congratulations to the following:
For attaining their 3rd Clasp to VRSM: WO2 Trevor Farren
CSgt Dudley Evans
Sgt Adrian Endean
Sgt Jennie Wood Cpl Wendy Robert
For 2nd and 3rd Clasps: LCpl Dean Bannister
Awarded VRSM: L/Cpl Chris Bailey
    The Band of the Mercian Regiment, Remembrance Parade Birmingham, 14 Nov 21
The Band of the Mercian Regiment, Saragarhi Parade, Wolverhampton, 12 Sept 21

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