Page 5 - ALG Issue 1 2023
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What a year we have had, with high temperatures then non-stop rain and then very cold snaps. On my allotment we do not have running water so we harvest it from wherever we can; sheds polytunnels greenhouses etc. During the summer we had in 2022 I had to supply water from home to use on my plot. This showed me just how important water harvesting is and that it is something we should all endeavour to do for the good of our plot and the environment. So, this year we should pay attention to the collection of water and the filling our water butts for free!
The drought we experienced in 2022 started me thinking about the time I spent in Bristol at the University West of England along with Allan Cavill on the Dry Project. We saw what it would be like growing in drought conditions and how all allotmenteers can help by mulching, water collecting and being conscious of their water waste.
We did exceptionally well on our plot in 2022 with all our fruits; polytunnel
tomatoes and potatoes courgettes but not so well with onions or French beans – a common complaint it would seem.
Looking ahead, Biodiversity is something we should also be aware
of during the next year including improving habitats for birds, bees insects, and all wildlife. In 2023 let us
all make an extra effort to create these areas in and around our sites with bug hotels and getting the next generation involved - they will love it and so will the creepy crawlies.
The West Midlands Regional Committee- John McNab, Karin and Roger Cartwright, Colin Bedford and
I are organising the shows in the area for 2023 which are the Malvern Spring Show 11-14th May 2023, Gardeners World Live 15th - 18th June and the Malvern Autumn Show 22nd -24th September 2023.
Thereisalotofworktodoonthisand we get help from Lauren and all the staff from Head Office in Corby. We also
Biodiversity is something we should also be aware of during the next year including improving habitats for birds, bee’s insects, and all wildlife
have a great team of volunteers from the regions who do an excellent job of making the shows successful. Come along and have a chat with us we would love to meet you.
This year the AGM is being held at Woodlands Grange spa and conference centre Hotel in the Heart of Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, on the 10th of June 2023, there will be some interesting talks and a series of workshops available to attendees and the NAS has negotiated room rates and these are available until Friday 15th May 2023, please do your best to attend and meet the Regional Representatives and the staff from the Head Office so you can put a face to the people you talk to on the phone. If you need more information on this, please contact me or the Head Office.
Wishing you all a very happy New Year
Tom Terrence
NASmembersbenefitfromawealthof knowledge and resources and have the satisfactionofknowingthattheyarehelping toraisetheprofileofallotmentgrowingand protecting sites. Benefits include:
• FREEAllotmenteers’LiabilityInsurance for individual plotholders. Has your associationenrolledyourgroup?
• Initiallegaladviceandsupport to create or develop sites and site management.
• Supportiveregionalnetwork;can you offer time to promote allotment growing in your area? Contact your Regional Representative to find out how you can get involved.
• NASmembersgeta25%discounton Allotment Association insurance from ChrisKnottinsurance.
• Quarterlymagazineande-magazine/ e-news in members area of the website.
• IndividualMagazinesubscriptionfor affiliates just £10 per annum!
• DiscountedqualityseedsfromKings Seedswithonlineorderingfacilityand extra discounts for large orders.
• Retaildiscountsfromwell-known gardening suppliers.
• Gardeningadvice–memberscan sendintheirqueriestoAaronHickman, our Garden Doctor, and check out the monthlyjobsonourwebsitegrowing pages. Nationalallotmentsocietyandlinkwith other plotholders.
Check out for further details.
Association secretaries are provided with log-in details for the members area – ask your association secretary for details today.
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Allotment and Leisure Gardener 5