Page 10 - QARANC Vol 20 No 1 2022
P. 10

                                10 The Gazette QARANC Association
 Colonel Commandant: ‘Recognising our people for their dedication is a privilege’
While it has been a period of varying restrictions Colonel Carol and I over and above virtual visits have managed some in person which has been fantastic. The positivity I found during my visits was reassuring and those I met a credit to our Corps.
April marks fully 30 years since we amalgamated all army nurses into the QARANC. I won’t dwell on that here as it is the subject of a further piece in this publication. Suffice to say it was momentous and as I have said previously the making of us as an integrated, collegiate and highly professionally focussed Corps.
To say that some of us serving at that time were nervous is certainly true. Isn’t it interesting though to note that so many colleagues have served distinguished careers and have never known the differences that existed pre- 1992?
You will have seen the Honours and Awards recognising our people for the dedication they have shown. As Colonel Commandant it is a singular privilege to write on behalf of the Corps to congratulate recipients and tell them how proud we are of them.
For my part I was delighted to be invited to the Joint Hospital Group (South East) Freedom of Camberley parade and reception. It was clear that Camberley welcomed the event and that the dignitaries who spoke understood the significant contribution being made by defence in their area.
Meeting new colleagues at the reception was again a real pleasure and the positivity encouraging. Of course, if you are a Welsh nurse and you find
yourself at the RHQ and in front of the iconic portrait of a ward at Cardiff Royal Infirmary in operation during WW1 a photograph is mandatory.
That my aunt was a sister on that very ward some years later and that I had undertaken part of my nurse tutor programme at CRI was also rather poignant.
I visited 225 Medical Regiment on exercise at the Warcop Training Area back in October. It was clear the unit were very pleased to be out on the ground after so much time under restrictions. The training was both realistic, fun and well thought through. With the Commanding Officer being mobilised for OP RESCRIPT the week after my visit it was both interesting and reassuring to hear of the contingency planning that had been undertaken.
Meeting colleagues who I had not seen since TELIC 1 fully 18 years on was also a real bonus. I also had the pleasure of meeting the incoming CO and it is very clear the unit is in good hands going forward.
203 Field Hospital invited me to attend part of their nursing CPD event
in late 2021. Again, fabulous to meet QA colleagues old and new, all in such good spirits.
The highlight of the event was an afternoon tea on the Sunday to honour the service of outgoing CNO Wales Professor Jean White CBE and welcome incoming CNO Sue Tranka. Jean is an old colleague of some years standing and has always been a huge supporter of 203 and the wider Army and Defence Nursing services.
Some of you will know Sue from your work with NHS England and particularly in the pandemic response period prior to her move to Wales. She clearly has the utmost admiration for our Corps, and it was apparent from the comments that she will continue to support us in the manner of her predecessor.
Both Colonel Carol and I along with CNO (A) attended the first AMS Strategic Leadership Conference and RHQ in December. There is a great deal going on and any number of initiatives in the pipeline. The crucial thing is that we are fully engaged, “at the table” and representing the Corps. As we move forward this will be vital ground for us.
Finally, this year’s reunion in May is to be held at the Coal Exchange in Cardiff Bay. I do hope as many of you as possible come along and I look forward to offering you a warm welcome to Wales, Croeso i Gymru.
Colonel Kevin Davies

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