Page 19 - Chiron Calling Autum 2021/Spring 2022
P. 19

                                Veterinary Corps, which of course has its very own chapter.
Callings from the late 1980s to date and crucially the Editors ‘notes’
by Colonels (Retd): Peter Roffey, Scott Moffat, Barry Williams and Abby Dubaree, accompanied by the Forewords scripted by the Corps Directors provided much detail.
Information was also derived from the RAVC archives. My thanks go
to Rob Macintosh who researched
to those who I have contacted and you kindly came back clarifying matters - without your support there would be no historical third volume - thank you.
Currently my narrative is with a well known author Isabel George. Many of the RAVC will have read her interesting and captivating books and Izzy is now busy preparing the final draft which should be published and available for interested personnel to read in late 2022.
My plea for the next edition of the Corps history is that those serving now and in the future accurately record their experiences in reports, returns, and documents, not least in Chiron Calling for all to read. Moreover, this will continue to demonstrate and record how invaluable our Corps personnel
are in delivering an outstanding operational capability to Defence, both today and tomorrow.
1 MWD Regiment’s preceding units; 101’ - the RAVC in Aldershot, 102’, 104’ etc. have their accounts recognised in the updated chronicle. Lengthy chapters distinguish the involvement of Pack Transport from six decades ago; their use in Hong Kong, the Falklands and Bosnia, up to the present
day. Another
chapter was
on Dhofar;
and my thanks
must go to
Andrew Higgins
ex RAVC,
who allowed me to reference his published book ‘With the SAS, and Other Animals; a Vets Experience during the Dhofar War 1974’.
Other chapters identify the RAVC’s contribution and activities within Iraq, Afghanistan, the Wider Integration of the RAVC, the Corps technical aspects, the formation
of the RAVC TA, the Continental TA and the RAVC Reserve – the Reserves now number well over twenty five percent of the Corps entire workforce.
Taken as a whole the history drafted consists of nearly 30 different chapters of Corps activities. Content was taken from the older Corps Journals of the 1960s through to the late1970s,
with such Journals contributing a wealth of information. The locally duplicated, light green versions of the Chiron Callings presented some material. The later glossy Chiron
the collection for suitable content, which due to his efforts I was able to weave into the Corps narrative. Over recent years, as
military information management systems have been upgraded
and with the constant churn of personnel some information has vanished. The most fortunate purchase of an entire collection of Soldier Magazines dated from 1952 to year 2000 yielded an immense array of detail in relation to the RAVC’s accomplishments.
I was warned by a much
respected Officer, that the writing and gathering of data, would be ‘a poison chalice’ and some people may disagree with my narration. I could only record from the plethora of available documented accounts, the personal experiences of others and myself. I couldn’t write what I don’t know or what is not actually recorded. Therefore, my gratitude must go to all those who contributed their time and effort to reflect on their experiences, putting pen to paper over the last six decades and
 The Reserves now number well over twenty five percent of the Corps entire workforce
   Some of the RAVC Corps Journal from 60’s and 70’s that had to be researched
  Provisional dates RAVC functions
Please visit the RAVC Association website for further details:
Fri 24 Jun Sat 25 Jun Sat 25 Jun
Sun 3 Jul
RAVC Annual Golf Meeting
226th Anniversary of John Shipp Day RAVC Association Reunion – Service Reunion Dinner
RAVC Mgmt Ctee Meeting
RAVC Offrs Club AGM
CVRO Fireside Discussion
RAVC Annual Morning Service – Royal Hospital Chelsea
Mon 13 Sep Thu 10 Nov Sun 13 Nov TBC 19 Nov
CVRO Study Period
RAVC Officers’ Club Dinner
– North Luffenham
Closing date for articles for Chiron Calling – Autumn 2022 Edition
Field of Remembrance Service – Westminster Abbey London Remembrance Service and Cenotaph Parade – London
RAVC Council Meeting
Chiron Calling / 17

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