Page 54 - Chiron Calling Autum 2021/Spring 2022
P. 54
Vehicle Search
Course as a RAVC
Reserve Soldier
by Pte Tara Cardwell – 101 MWD (Res) Sqn
On 18 October 2021, I started the 4-week Vehicle Search (VS) Dog Handler course
held at the Defence Animal Training Regiment, Melton Mowbray. There were 6 other personnel on the course, four from 104 MWD Sqn, one from 105 MWD Sqn and a dog handler from the RAF police.
We started with an intense couple of days of learning, including veterinary theory, concluded by two written tests before moving into
the practical side of the course. We were introduced to our dogs that we would be using on course, including a couple of extra dogs that we would use to continue their training. Besides just working with the dogs, we had time to take the dogs off on woodland walks and allow them to exhibit normal behaviours. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we had a
few restrictions on places we could carry out practical searches, but the instructors were still able to carry out all training requirements with the resources available.
The students quickly bonded
and were able to work as a cohesive team; running gates smoothly
and effectively to ensure there wasn’t much disruption to people’s mornings at the various camp gates we trained on. The group were able to help each other out if one was struggling or feeling they were not doing so well. The searches started with HGV trailers and moved onto agricultural vehicles and cars, each providing us with new challenges and learning how best to adapt to break down the vehicle to use our dogs to their best of their ability.
As a Reservist, I have found that being able to work and train
alongside Regular peers and being able to complete the same courses give us parity to work along side each other in future exercises or deployments if necessary. I found the course both challenging and rewarding and look forward to
the future within my Sqn as a VS handler. I would highly recommend that if any soldier, either Regular or Reserve get the opportunity to go on the VS course they should do so not only because it is a rewarding experience, but it is also a good qualification.
52 / Chiron Calling