Page 19 - Simply Vegetables Summer 2023
P. 19

                                  the show, or other venues like Post Office counters should be used. Some veg has to be weighed with foliage included but most without. I have seen problems where too long a stalk or foliage has not been cut off as close to the main body as required by the rules.
Again, measurement of length/width would appear straight forward but GWRs state that this is to be in a straight line from tip to tip. A recent claim from the US appears to have been measured around the curve, thereby gaining considerably in length. Some years ago, I used to regularly attend a Welsh show where the schedule stated that runner beans were to be measured around the curve, this was fine there however old publicity of vegetables measured this way muddles the value of some old national/world records.
Measurement of Sunflowers for the largest head is still far from clear even at World Record level – like the bean so long as all entries are measured the same way no problem, but any sizes in the future should meet published criteria. Some shows expect them to be measured by circumference
or diameter including or excluding Sepals and in the U.S I understand they measure over the top; most large sunflowers form an outward bulge and a tape over this adds considerable length, not in accordance with Guinness’s current rules – tip to tip in a straight line.
I hope this does not appear critical of our Judges as they can have a difficult/ thankless job and we need more of them to carry out this necessary work. I have been very grateful for the professional way my own record claims have been judged over the years, including their help in completing the necessary paperwork.
Claims arising from shows and competitions are welcome. Such
claims must have been awarded their prize by an official judge of the National Vegetable Society or Horticultural Society, or other qualified national equivalents. The rules of the show or competition must be submitted as part of your evidence. (My note – GWR likes records to be broken in the public domain)
Extract from Guinness World Records General Guidelines ‘Rules for largest fruit and vegetable by weight/length records’
1. If your claim has NOT arisen from a competition, you must adhere to the following rules:
a. This record is measured in grams
to the nearest 0.01g Imperial measurements or conversions from imperial to metric are not acceptable.
b. Measurements of weight must be carried out on professional weighing equipment.
c. The specimen must be measured by a qualified surveyor in the presence of two independent witnesses.
One of these witnesses must be a specialist in the field.
d. The specialist witness must confirm the binomial and or trinomial name of the client’s specimen.
e. Suitable specialist for plant records include; botanists, plant biologist, agronomist, horticulturalist
or internationally recognised associations.
f. Both witnesses must provide witness statements declaring that all rules have been adhered to.
g. GWR holds to right to reject or disqualify any attempt should the specimen turn out to have been incorrectly identified.
h. GWR may request further information to validate claims.
i. Only plant matter is to be measured. Sticks, dirt, stones or any other material that is not part of the specimen must be removed before weighing.
j. For very large specimens any carrying tarp should be removed from beneath before weighing.
k. Foliage can only be included if it forms an integral part of the fruit or vegetable. For example, on a leek, cabbage or celery.
l. Non-integral leaves, even if edible, must be removed from fruit or vegetables. For example, leaves on the head of a carrot or apple would need to be removed before weighing.
m. All roots and stems must be cut cleanly as near to the main body
of the specimen as possible, with exceptions only made when the root is an integral part of the specimen. Therefore, roots can only be included with root crops such as beetroot, carrots, radishes and parsnips etc.
n. Stalks must be trimmed as near to the main body of the specimen as possible.
o. Although the record may only
be for weight the size of the specimen should also be provided. Measurement of circumference must take place around the widest point and with the specimen skin still in situ. Measurement of length should be carried out by placing the specimen on a plain surface and marking the exact position of each end. Stalks or any part of the foliage must be excluded. A straight line should then be drawn between the two marks and this length measured exactly.
 Simply Vegetables 19

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