Page 57 - Simply Vegetables Summer 2023
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                                Midland Branch
In my position as acting chairman I chaired our Annual General Meeting on the 23rd of February with a much-reduced attendance due to difficulties in contacting a lot of members.
I read out details of our events and meetings held in 2022 including our successful stand at Gardeners World Live at the NEC in June. Then in my capacity as Treasurer I was pleased to show that due to the income from our NEC stand, we had once again shown a small surplus.
There followed a vote on electing
a committee for 2023 and the old committee was elected on block but due to ill health our Show Secretary asked to be relieved of this task and it was decided that the committee would take over this task and thanked Roy James for his efforts over the past ten years. Under the guise of any other business those present discussed the future policy of obtaining more members and it was decided to contact more local garden clubs and local allotment groups
and invite them to our meetings and using some of our funds to carry out this promotion.
By the time you read this magazine we will have held our May meeting with a lecture on modern pest and diseases by Reg Moule. Which will be followed by our usual plant sales.
We have a meeting to be held
on the 24th of August at which we will have a lecture by one of our members on how they got into growing vegetables for showing with tips and advice. Our November meeting to be held on the 23rd with a lecture by Mark Hall all about vegetables you can grow and show.
If anyone would like a show programme giving details of the various classes, please contact me on or my evening phone number of 01527837867.
Meanwhile we look to further success at the NEC with several members already growing plants for sale or display.
Graham Brickstock F.N.V.S
 MEMBERS 10000 TO 19999
 From the Chair
With very few people attending the Midlands Branch AGM and with some long-standing committee members retiring, I agreed to take on the role of Chair and Branch Secretary to prevent the Branch from folding.
friends and making new ones at the Branch Championships. In the meantime, if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.
June Davies, FNVS, Chair
Committee as at March 2023
John Branham, FNVS
June Davies, FNVS
Branch Secretary
June Davies, FNVS, (Temporary)
Graham Brickstock, FNVS (Temporary)
SV Magazine Sub Editor
Graham Brickstock, FNVS
Sponsorship/Publicity Officer
Show Manager
Mike Davies, FNVS
Show Secretary
June Davies, FNVS
Cup Steward
Trustees (2 reps required)
June Davies, FNVS Vacancy
Membership, at the time of going to print, is still being undertaken by Sandra Hall, FNVS. We are delighted to advise that Sue Meek has volunteered to take on this role shortly. Please contact her on 01952 541396/ 07917690292 or noddy.
The following honorary vacancies on
the Committee need to be filled in order to fulfil the successful running and the continuation of the Branch. Please contact the Branch Secretary if you can offer your services.
Branch Secretary and/or Minutes Secretary
Treasurer Sponsorship/Publicity Officer Cup Steward
MIDLANDS BRANCH CHAMPIONSHIPS – 22nd, 23rd, 24th SEPTEMBER 2023 The Three Counties Showground, Malvern, Worcs. WR13 6NW. Schedules are now available to download off the NVS website In order to save postage, schedules will not automatically be sent
Graham Brickstock also agreed to take back the role of Treasurer, another position which is imperative to the running and continuation of the Branch. Mike Davies has taken back the role of Show Manager, but there are other positions to be filled. The committee has the option to co-opt
so if anyone feels they would like to come along and take on one of the vacant roles, they will be welcomed with open arms. Maybe you feel you could do one of the positions (eg Cup Steward or Sponsorship) without actually being a committee member. If so, please contact me and we can discuss the possibility. The list is below.
The retiring committee members, Sandra Hall, Pat and Bernard Brown, and Jean
and David (Sam) Forrester, have done approximately 100 year’s service between them. This in itself is highly commendable and their input and dedication to the Society is second to none. There is no doubt they will leave a great hole in the running of the Branch and are sincerely thanked for their devoted time and service. They leave with the Branch’s best wishes and good health for the future.
By the time you read this we will have participated in the Malvern Spring Show and in the process of organising the Branch Championships at the Malvern Autumn Show. (See separate article). If you feel
you can help out by stewarding or doing
a stint on the stand, please contact me or Mike Davies to discuss. (junedavies648@ or Tel 01531 822750). If help
is not forthcoming this year, it could jeopardise the future of the Midlands Branch Championships next year and the continuation of the Midlands Branch.
On a personal note I was very sad
to learn of the loss of Roy Tudor who, although a member of the Welsh Branch, was a very good friend of the Midlands Branch. When I was looking to take my judges’ exam, Roy invited me to shadow him when he was judging, and his help and advice was much appreciated. I am grateful to Bob Oliver and Mike Davies for representing the Midlands Branch at Roy’s funeral, as well as attending for their own personal reasons.
I hope you all have a good summer and I look forward to meeting up with old
out this year. If anyone does not have the facility to download from the website, please contact the Show Secretary,
June Davies, who will send you a copy
– Tel 01531 822750 or mobile 07484 877627.
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