Page 7 - Simply Vegetables Summer 2023
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News from the Trustees
The trustees held meetings on both March 21st and April 25th via Zoom. Our Chair, Sandra Hall opened both meetings, welcoming all present. A special word of welcome was extended to June Davis who has joined the board in April as a Midlands Branch Chair and Trustee Rep.
Fiona Shenfield circulated a membership report in advance of the meeting and reported that we have welcomed an increased number of new members since January which is very positive. It was noted however there are quite a few expired subscriptions on the system and the numbers may decrease slightly as not all members may renew for this year. Overall, our membership numbers are holding steady which is very encouraging.
We are continuing to add content to
our website. It was reported that the past editions of Simply Veg are now available for members to enjoy. Sandra Hall reported that a new growing guide for beetroot has also been added to our online library. We currently have a vacancy of webmaster
on the team. We are looking to recruit a passionate and committed volunteer to help us manage our website and we have included a full role profile on page 29.
There is a proposal to create a new position of social media officer included on the 2023 AGM agenda. The trustees are looking for an enthusiastic and committed volunteer to help the NVS
to continue to grow in its online reach. The role will involve maintaining a presence on social media, connecting with both our
members and partners, and producing Social Media content. We have included a full role profile on page 29.
Geoff Wilson and Michelle Nixon circulated a draft expenses policy in advance of the meeting. The policy was based on published information e.g. charity guidelines and This was very much appreciated and was reviewed in detail. Geoff also updated the trustees
on preparations for the 2023 National Championships which will
updated as required where possible.
Jean Forrester issued a finance report in advance of the meeting which was warmly
received. A report was also circulated that showed planned costs for the year and suggested a capitation fee of £4. This was agreed in full by the trustees. 2023 will see the last rotation of the £500 savings rota ending with the Northern Branch. It was voted not to continue with the savings scheme going forward but all branches will
be held in Newby Hall and hosted by the Northern Branch. A copy of the show schedule is included with the magazine. We very much look forward to meeting up with members (September 15th – 17th) and seeing
all the wonderful quality vegetables showcased.
We very much look forward to meeting up with members and seeing all the wonderful quality vegetables showcased.
be required to save £500 each year specifically set aside for the purposes of going towards hosting the National Championships.
At our November 2022 meeting the trustees discussed the potential of reducing class quantity sizes at the National Championships. We are now seeking exhibitors’ feedback and encourage all exhibitors to complete
a survey which will be available to each exhibitor at DA, Branch and National Shows this summer.
Kelvin Mason updated
trustees on matters
related to our quarterly
publication and Sandra
Hall updated the trustees
on Merchandise Stock. The
Trustees agreed to place an
order for 400 new judges and exhibitors guides as we had sold out of the current stock. Chris Spree updated the trustees
on the continuing positive engagement with our sponsors. It was noted that JBA have rebranded to Jamieson Brothers and Marshalls are moving most of their seeds sales to the Unwin’s division of the business. It was requested that all logos should be
The NVS directories are kept up to date and are available to view via the website. It was requested if any Branch or DA changes its officers that this is communicated to Fiona Shenfield. The national AGM is scheduled for September 15th at Newby Hall, North Yorkshire. At the time of writing this report, the Trustees will meet again on July 11th.
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