Page 103 - The Chapka 2017
P. 103

   In-Pensioner Staff Sergeant Fred Bolwell (5RTR) with Cadet Squadron Sergeant ‘Jelly’ finding himself in honoured company and Fred looking taller than ever Major Craggs and ex-LNR cadet, ex Lancers and now PC ‘Baggy’ Bagshaw
Cavalry Memorial Parade
The Cavalry Memorial Parade was held in Hyde Park on Sun- day, 14th May 2017 on what was a cool spring morning. The combined marching contingent this year was one of the larg- est (if not the largest) on parade, with 156 marching, led by the Colonel of the Regiment Brigadier Hughes CBE. The Old Com- rades Association Banner was carried by Mr Steve McMenamy and the wreath was laid by Mr Dick Boorman, who stood in at short notice for Mr Dick Ward who was recovering from a cata- ract operation. Both Mr Dick Boorman and Mr Craig McIntyre were officiating in the capacity on the CCOCA committee, but our other CCOCA member, Mr Billy Baxter unfortunately was not able to parade due to ill health, we wish him well. The parade went well, once we had sorted ourselves out, this was compound- ed by the band being in the wrong place and our allocated slot of the Boardwalk being far too small for the size of the squad, however, once we set off and shook ourselves out, all was well. This year the salute was taken by Field Marshal Lord Guthrie of Craigiebank, GCB, LVO, OBE, DL. This year, was a good year in that no names during the service were read out as ‘killed in action’ for the year. The previous night the informal ‘Lancers in London’ group met and Mr Craig McIntyre reported:
Lancers in London met on the eve of Cavalry Memorial in the now familiar public house for gentlemen, ‘The Lamb and Flag’ in Covent Garden. The evening was well attended (18) with the usual old and bold and was great to see personnel from other regiments as opposed to 9/12L, there was a small contingent from 17/21L. Let’s hope that the word starts to spread and more Lancers attend in the future. Everyone was in good spirits, and some more than others, who will remain nameless; but he has got a baby-face. Waiting patiently for someone to actually arrive and buy a round, please enter Major Fred Reid; what a saviour!!! I wonder if he knew that as soon as he ordered a large round of
12 drinks, that the barmaid would deem the group drunk and uncontrollable; then refused to serve us. I will add at this point, at no point throughout the evening was anyone out of control or too drunk to be served; I believe the American barmaid, god bless her cottons; was not used to good old English banter. Not a problem; we moved on and found a great place called the Porter- house; which after having spoken to the landlord was more than accommodating and had no issue in taking our money.
After the parade, 51 officers dined at the Cavalry and Guards Club and joined the rest of the cohort at the Audley Arms pub around the corner. Again, this year (for the second year run- ning) we were supported by Army Cadets from B Squadron, Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Rutland (LNR) Army Cadet Force. They assisted with the handing out of service sheets and veterans who need help in their wheelchairs. We are most grateful for the on-going support from the commandant, Colonel Coleman and the Squadron Leader, Major Wells and we are indebted to Captain Rayson from Middlesex and North-West London Army Cadet Force for making it happen.
This year, along with our In-pensioner Lance Corporal Jack Pilkington, we gained two more Pensioners: Don Crassweller (1 Royal Tank Regiment), Fred Bolwell (5 Royal Tank Regiment) who needed a home for the day, and they were most welcome. Cadet Squadron Sergeant Major Cragg from LNR Army Cadet Force found himself at the front of the parade accompanying the In-Pensioners and helping Fred get around. It was great to see our cadets again – we just need to sort out some stable belts! The 94th Cavalry Memorial Parade and will take place on Sunday 13th May 2018 and the sponsor regiment will be the Blues & Royals (Royal Horse Guards/Dragoons).
  Captains Mansfield and Beuttell ‘suits you sir’
Familiar faces unfamiliar ties

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